Sunday, June 7, 2020

Trump June 1, 2020: Bible Photo Op Date of Infamy While Attacking D.C. Protestors

June 4, 1989: Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China
(Changed China's History)

June 1, 2020: Lafayette Square, Washington, DC
(Bible Photo Op incident will make history)

June 1, 2020: A dastardly deed by a scared man who thinks he is an empire in and of himself did in Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C., a date that will live in infamy attack unarmed, peacefully protesting citizens to make way for his “Bible holding Photo Op” that lasted a full 10 minutes for his enjoyment. 

I use the FDR December 8, 1941 address to Congress asking that a declaration of war against Japan for attackign Pearl Harbor the day before as this modern day example of attacking Americans by Trump.

I call it: “Tiny Man Scared.”

Related Earlier Post of Same Story Follows Below: Amid protests in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere in response to the killing of George Floyd, on June 1, 2020, police and National Guard troops used tear gas and other riot control tactics to forcefully clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square and surrounding streets in Washington, D.C., to create a path for President Donald Trump to walk from the White House to St. John's Episcopal Church.

Trump held up a Bible and posed for a photo op in front of Ashburton House, the church's parish house, a part of which had been set on fire during the protests the night before. Trump departed around five minutes later; he did not enter the church. 

The clearing of demonstrators from Lafayette Square was widely condemned as excessive and an affront to the First Amendment right to freedom of assembly. This event was also described by The New York Times as “a burst of violence unlike any seen in the shadow of the White House in generations and possibly one of the defining moments of the Trump presidency.

Religious leaders across the United States condemned Trump's actions. On June 4, the ACLU and Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, representing a group of protestors and Black Lives Matter D.C., filed a federal lawsuit against Trump, Attorney General Barr, and other federal officials, claiming they conspired to violate, and did violate, their constitutional rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

Just before visiting the church, Trump also delivered a speech where he urged the governors of U.S. states to quell violent protests by using the National Guard to “dominate the streets” or he “would otherwise deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem.”  

Former military and current religious leaders have condemned Trump for the event, as have many Democratic and a handful of Republican legislators, though some of Trump's fellow Republicans defended the actions taken.

My 2 cents: I use the Tiananmen Square incident as an analogy with the fine Bill Bramhall cartoon in the NY Daily News as a perfect example of the depth Trump has dragged our country into – the swamp he said he would drain that he has now dug deeper than the “Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench.”

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 will be the chance for America to reclaim her once proud place among nations and rid us of this plague known as Trump Empire, Inc.

Thanks for stopping by.

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