Friday, June 5, 2020

Trump: Gets His Long-Awaited Military-Style Parade — Here Come the Sycophants

Top Dawg With His Lackeys and Sycophants in Tow
(The Top Six Anyway)

Subject for Today is Donald J. Trump: He Remains Distant from Critical Issues, is in Way Over His Head, has Zero Presidential Presence, Talent, Skills, or Knowledge to do the Job.

Most-Critical Issue of the Day Discussed here from the WSJ – the highlights follow:

WASHINGTON —The White House coronavirus task force is meeting less frequently, the government’s top infectious disease expert is getting little face time with President Trump, and the administration’s virus-testing coordinator is returning to his previous job.

U.S. coronavirus deaths have surpassed 110,000 (June 4 numbers) and health experts say the pandemic remains a serious concern.

Trump and his advisers have made a strategic decision to shift focus.
The president and his aides have turned to issues they believe will animate the president’s conservative base ahead of the election while projecting confidence that the country is recovering economically.

Trump advisers have told him there is little political advantage to continuing to talk about the pandemic and that fewer Americans are paying attention. “I just think the fight has moved on,” one adviser said.

Even before the protests over George Floyd’s death spread across the country, the White House had all but stopped reminding Americans about the risk of the virus, with Trump and advisers only occasionally speaking about the pandemic itself in public and focusing on pushing states to lift economic restrictions.

The coronavirus task force is now meeting roughly two or three times a week, down from every day at the beginning of the outbreak, and fewer people attend the meetings. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a very famous infectious disease expert who became the unofficial face of the government’s response, said on June 1 that he had not spoken to or met with Trump in two weeks.

Dr. Fauci and other administration health officials continue to speak publicly about the virus in media interviews, but with less frequency than at the height of the pandemic.

Adm. Brett Giroir, the administration’s coronavirus-testing coordinator, this week said he expects to leave that position in mid-June and return to his previous post at HHS.

White House officials keep saying that key agencies continue to work behind the scenes on the coronavirus response, and that task force members update the president on significant developments.

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany says:We are constantly, as an administration, monitoring the coronavirus to protect the safety and well-being of the American people.” 

She also said that President Trump has shifted much of the responsibility for responding to the virus to governors and local officials, who continue to hold regular briefings about the disease and their plans to reopen their economies. 

But the president’s lack of public focus on the pandemic is alarming to many health experts who say they fear that Trump is sending a message to the public that the virus is no longer a serious threat.

For example: 

Hilary Babcock, an infectious disease specialist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis says: There’s a definite risk that people think that we’re reopening because the virus is gone and not a risk anymore — and that’s not really true.” 

Experts say the pandemic is far from over, and they warn that a second wave of infections could arrive later this year if the public ignores social distancing recommendations and resumes daily activities too quickly. 

Michael Mina, epidemiologist at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health says: The smart thing to do right now is to start conditioning and consistently conditioning people that there is a high likelihood that this virus could come back with a vengeance in the fall.”

Dr. Robert Redfield, Head of the CDC, told a House committee (May 28):We are very concerned that our public health message is not resonating.”

My 2 cents: Simple question for Dr. Redfield: Why is your public health message NOT resonating? I would say that is because of Trump's conflicting public messages on the virus - now a matter of record, too.

We have not had presidential skill and confidence since January 20, 2017, and we still 5 months to suffer with that lack of skill and talent to lead.” That is a  word I doubt Trump even can spell.

Remember Trump proudly told the public “I only pick the best people I have the best people - ever - believe me.” Reminder of that:

An oops will not suffice too late for that…

Okay, then how about this stat Mr. Trump: As of May 25, 2020, there have been 415 personnel working for or appointed by you who have been dismissed by you (e.g., that is fired by you or ordered to be fired by you), or they just flat out resigned.

Let’s face it folks, Donald J. Trump has proven that he was and is unfit for the office, yet he was slick, skilled, and savvy enough (as a life-long con man) to get into office – that is truly an American first BTW – what no bragging rights about that (smile). 

Thanks for stopping by.

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