Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Kemp Won Georgia Seat: Lying and Cheating & Still Denies Lying & Cheating

Stacey Abrams (D) vs. Brian Kemp (R): GA Governor Race
(First Debate: October 23, 2018)

GA Gov. Brian Kemp (R) voting system liar – now proven to be a bigger cheater based on facts from his own Georgia state top investigation unit which proves the point. Cite this story from ProPublica:

Background: Two days before the 2018 election for Georgia governor, Republican Brian Kemp (against Democrat Stacey Abrams) used his power then as Secretary of State to open an investigation into what he called a “…failed hacking attempt of voter registration systems involving the Democratic Party.” 

However, now newly-released case files from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) reveal that there was no such hacking attempt.

The evidence from the now closed investigation indicates that Kemp’s own office mistook planned and approved security tests and a warning about potential election security holes for malicious hacking.

Kemp then took that false belief and wrongly accused his political opponents just before Election Day of hacking the voting systems. It was a high-profile salvo that drew national media attention in one of the most closely watched races of 2018.

According to a March 2 memo from a senior assistant AG who recommended the case be closed said in part: The investigation by the GBI revealed no evidence of damage to (the secretary of state’s office’s) network or computers, and no evidence of theft, damage, or loss of data.” 

The internet activity that Kemp’s staff described as hacking attempts was actually scans by the U.S. DHS that Kemp's office had agreed to, that also according to the GBI report. And, in fact: Kemp’s chief information officer signed off on the DHS scans three months beforehand.

Although there was no malicious hack, the GBI files also report that the state’s website where voters can check their information did have a significant vulnerability — a flaw Kemp’s staff still won’t acknowledge a year and a half later.

My 2 cents: What a louse Kemp is and yet, he remains in office. Boy, is this a sad story, yet it underscores the nastiness of yes, mostly the GOP’s side of “dirty tricks” in politics that is: To win at any cost matter what.

They keep the issues complex, murky, half-ass, and they believe that means they will skate clear and win.

The #1 pro at that game is Donald J. Trump now with more than 19,000 documented lies. 

For example, pick up any media link and say it has 100 top stories – 95 of them will be about Trump and his careful design: Keep front pages busy with me; make stories confusing, offer few details, don’t allow anything to be traced back to or connected to me, make fact-checking difficult, keep things vaguely legal and always confusing, and in the end we’ll win while blaming the other side for fraud and rigging and such.

Thanks for stopping by and remember about that GA race.

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