Monday, July 13, 2020

Trump Administration: Corruption Envelops Everything "Drain the Swamp" Big Con

We marked your words, now what Mr. Genius Wall Builder

In political circles we used to hear the GOP (and DEMS too just to be fair) all rant and rave about government fraud, waste, and abuse of taxpayers’ money.

Well this chapter of that story pretty much takes the cake. It's about  Trump’s “fake anger” over a failed 3-mile wall near Yuma, AZ. 

The main subject is Fisher Sand and Gravel (article shows their flaky background).

They received $1.7 billion from DOD Army Corps of Engineers for what has resulted in a stretch of about three miles of border fencing near a National Wildlife Refuge close to Yuma, AZ area.  

Fisher originally planned to construct more than 30 miles of border fencing, but the project became mired in legal battles as government attorneys warned that the structure is endangered by recent and future erosion.

Trump blasted the company in a Sunday morning tweet (as usual) claiming that … “… the project was undertaken to make him look bad – and it never had his support.” 

Specifically Trump tweeted: I disagreed with doing this very small (tiny) section of wall, in a tricky area, by a private group which raised money by Ads. It was only done to make me look bad, and perhsps (yes Trump misspelled perhaps) it now doesn’t even work. Should have been built like rest of Wall, 500 plus miles.”

Now the truth, which Trump hates when it comes out and contradicts him.

The Washington Post reported early this year, that Trump himself supported the project.

He inquired personally about the company's bid for funding after seeing the CEO Tommy Fisher appear on FOX news and other cable networks claiming that the fencing could be completed quickly and for low cost.

Events Today: U.S. Attorney Ryan Patrick who serves in the Southern District of Texas initiated a Federal lawsuit against Fisher taking aim at the project in a lengthy Twitter accusing the project of not making tactical sense and calling it an expensive vanity project, saying:What they built is one step beyond vapor-ware. We said it was too close to the water, erosion would be an issue, the location made no sense, etc. Now we risk the thing falling down in a big storm or flood.”

My 2 cents: His wall – that big beautiful wall that the was going to build and have Mexico pay – ha – out the window along with this this latest con. His wall and most other schemes are falling like lake effect snow in Update NY.

This story just about takes the cake – pathetic and disgusting to say the least – hate to be so harsh like this, but cases like this are justified to bash. 

The outrage over this man and his conning is truly historical but will it matter in November – well, it damn sure better.

Thanks for stopping by.

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