Saturday, July 11, 2020

Trump vs. Medical Doctors: War Up Front in Our National Face Worse Every Day

Two Top Virus Task Force Medical Experts
(Not the faces of support or agreement)

Introduction to the following post: Trump’s niece, Mary in her new “Tell-All book” tells us who Donald J. Trump is from her up close and personal relationship growing up around him, and in her professional medical opinion as well. The story below proves she is spot on, 100% correct.

From ABC news: This continuing and depressing story about how Trump is and has handled this virus pandemic, one that is growing as experts predicted it would, and that Trump either ignored, denied, or followed his own daily mood swings. The headline:

Rift grows between Trump and health experts amid coronavirus surge

As Trump threatens to cut funding to schools that don't reopen in the fall and continues to host mega-rallies as cases increase, there appears to be a growing rift between the White House and its top health advisers. 
For example, Trump has taken his criticism of the government's top expert on infectious diseases and the CDC into the public forum in his massive push to reopen the country.

Now, despite response coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx. asking Americans in “hot spot zones to avoid indoor gatherings and reduce them to 10 people or fewer,” Trump out of arrogant spite (I guess) on Friday (July 10) delivered campaign remarks and attended a home fundraiser in FL – just as cases there rise, and only one day after they state saw a record death toll.

Trump, again as before, seeks to downplay the danger in states like AZ, CA, FL, and TX (** With a new CDC announcement see below) struggling to control outbreaks, which he called “embers while openly disputing coronavirus task force officials.”

** The CDC Predicts Deaths Will Soar in 12 States (July 10, 2020): The nationwide death toll is rising again, and the CDC just released its new list of where fatalities will rise in this announcement: “This week's national ensemble forecast predicts that there will likely be between 140,000 and 160,000 total reported COVID-19 deaths by August 1st.”  

Those state-level ensemble forecasts suggest that the number of new deaths over the next four weeks will rise in the following states: AZ, AL, FL, ID, MT, ND, NV, OH, SC, TN, TX, and WV.

In a series of interviews this week, Trump questioned the expertise of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institutes of Health for more than three decades and a prominent member of the White House coronavirus task force, who continually polls higher in favorability than the president, saying: “Dr. Fauci is a nice man, but he's made a lot of mistakes” (Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News Thursday night (July 9), insisting Fauci was against his travel ban on China and wrong on face masks.

Trump then added: A lot of them said don't wear a mask, don't wear a masks. Now they are saying wear a mask. A lot of mistakes were made, a lot of mistakes.”

Trump used the same criticisms in an interview Tuesday (July 7), when directly asked about Fauci's assessment one day earlier when he was asked about the country being “knee deep in the first wave of the virus.”

Trump told Greta Van Susteen on “Full Court Press:” “Well, I think we are in a good place, so I disagree with him.”

Facts Trump skips: For instance, when Fauci testified before House lawmakers in March as the pandemic took off and said: he supported Trump's travel bans on China and Europe, calling the case for that “pretty compelling.”

The decision to advise against wearing masks, until an official CDC recommendation in April, was due largely to a nationwide shortage, officials said.

But, Fauci is not the only expert under fire from Trump. Throughout the week, Trump has also criticized guidelines from the CDC on reopening schools calling them “very tough & expensive” and he characterized the decision to reopen schools as a political one, even as coronavirus cases surge across the country.

Trump, as we hear all over GOP/Right-wing Talk Radio and elsewhere, even in the Rose Garden said: “It is politics. They, the Democrats don't want to open because they think it will help them on November 3rd. I think it's going to hurt them November 3rd.”

My 2 cents: With that last statement by Trump, he once again implies and nearly directly says that Democrats are unfeeling, uncaring, and don’t give a damn about life or limb in this pandemic just as long as they can win an election?

That is insane, yet that kind of talk spreads as fast as the virus in GOP circles. It is spreading like wildfire across all right-wing media outlets and in print.

Trump sells it – is base buys it and then shares with like-minded others to make it sound like Democrats are un-American, disloyal, and unpatriotic – don’t believe me, just listen, watch, and read and you will see and hear what I mean, and that, my friends is 100% utter BS and totally false.

If there are any nasty, ugly, raw, and misguided politics in play right now at work here, sir, it is coming from you and your side who are afraid of losing the power you now enjoy in office, but know this, all that will change in November. 

So, Mr. Trump, when you are looking for reasons and causes for our national turmoil outside of this horrible pandemic, try peering in the nearest mirror. There you will clearly see the reflection of the real source of the awful state of affairs across the nation.

Thanks for stopping by.

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