Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Trump Acquitted: Free and Feeling His Oats to Get Back in the Game Full Bore


Mask Less, Rule-Breaker, Arrogant, Careless
(Note those around him obeying health rules)


What lies ahead (no pun intended) for Trump as he basks in his glory of the 2nd acquittal by the GOP senators (vote was 57-43 not guilty).

Excellent story here from HuffPost – highlights below with this headline:

Trump Looks to Reassert Himself After Impeachment Acquittal

Trump remains popular among the GOP base.

But, many Republicans in Washington have cooled to him.

Never before have so many members of his own party party stood tall: Seven brave, loyal senators who voted him guilty and his removal in the Senate trial.

Some Republicans may work to counter Trump’s efforts to support extreme candidates in next year’s congressional primaries (cut from the same Marjorie Taylor Greene cloth I might add).

Undeterred, however, friends and allies expect Trump to resume friendly media interviews after weeks of silence.

He has met with political aides to discuss efforts to help Republicans try to take control of the House and Senate in the 2022 midterm elections.

He remains fixated on exacting revenge on those Republicans who supported his impeachment or resisted his efforts to overturn the results of the November election won by Joe Biden.

Senior Advisor Jason Miller said:I imagine you’ll probably be hearing a lot more from him in the coming days.”

More from Trump and his plans and GOP strategy:

In his statement after the vote, Trump offered few clues, but was defiant as he told supporters their movement “has only just begun,” adding: “In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) close to Trump and who spoke with Trump after the trial acknowledged that Trump is “Mad at some folks,  but he is also ready to move on and rebuild the Republican Party and is excited about 2022.”

Graham also stressed to Trump, who has threatened to start his own party to punish disloyal Republicans that the GOP needs him to win, telling him and saying on Fox News Sunday:Mr. President, this MAGA movement needs to continue. We need to unite the party. Trump-plus is the way back in 2022.”

Graham added: My goal is to win in 2022 to stop the most radical agenda I’ve seen coming out of the Democratic presidency of Joe Biden. We can’t do that without Donald Trump, so he’s ready to hit the trail and I’m ready to work with him.” 

Graham went on to say that the GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell, who voted to acquit but then delivered a scalding denunciation of Trump: “Got a load off a chest, obviously,” concluding in his interview: “If you want to get something off your chest, fine, but I’m into winning.”

My 2 cents: This the GOP’s routine SOP strategy. Blame, deflect, and cover their own asses while blaming everyone around them.

Time will tell but know this, Trump’s warpath is just starting, and be assured it will be ugly and very nasty and harsh, something I believe the Republicans who voted to acquit him will learn to regret.

Thanks for stopping by.

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