Tuesday, March 2, 2021

GOP Back with a Vengence: Voting Rights Back on Their Chopping Block Bigly


Trump and GOP Newest Wall
(Mexico didn't pay for it, either)

Introduction to voting rights are again under serious Republican attack article here from the ACLU, then the main post follows:

Since 2008, RED states across the country have passed measures to make it harder for Americans—particularly black people, the elderly, students, and people with disabilities—to exercise their fundamental right to cast a ballot. 

These measures include cuts to early voting, voter ID laws, and purges of voter rolls.

Today’s post is this story from Georgia from The AP, and again, it also shows that voting rights are under fire with headline:

GA House passes GOP bill rolling back voting access

– GA case in point with these proposals – their purpose Republicans say is needed to restore the public’s confidence in elections, after former Trump and his allies relentlessly pushed false claims about fraud all across the country and BTW: Trump overall lost GA four times in the final analysis. Some steps are new but most old techniques:

§  Require a photo ID for absentee voting.

§  Limit the amount of time voters have to request an absentee ballot.

§  Restrict where ballot drop boxes could be located.

§  When ballot boxes can be accessed.

§  Limit early voting hours on weekends.

§  Limit who can vote absentee to those 65 and older, or those with a disability, and people who will be away from their voting precinct on Election Day.

Ironically, the new GA House bill also would do away with no-excuse absentee voting adopted by the same Republican-controlled legislature in 2005. 

Related articles:

1.  This case now before the USSC re: Arizona voting rights.

2.  Also this older article here (2015) that illustrates key measures states (mostly GOP-run states) have taken making it harder, not easier, safer, or fair enough to vote as a basic right.

3.  This related story from The Guardian on this same subject.

4.  Probably the best overall source on voting rights is at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU – their site is here with lots of data including the pending case in AZ cited above.  

GOP Methods: Purge Voter Rolls & Validate Votes

My 2 cents: There are numerous sites all reputable on this same subject and ever since Trump, hammering on elections being “rigged, fixed, fraudulent, etc.”

Republicans have picked up steam again to make it harder to vote so they can win and for no other purpose. 

Do the research and get the truth and do what you can to help keep voting fair, free, safe, and secure.

Thanks for stopping by.


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