Thursday, March 18, 2021

Gov. Newsom Recall Movement: Unwarranted With Several Nefarious Groups Involved


Gov. Newsom & the man behind recall movement
(Lots of hanky-panky involved)


Recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) story here from the Guardian with this headline:

Push to recall California governor Gavin Newsom gains steam – but who's behind it?”

Two Key Info Sources:

1. According to a recent ABC News analysis, the majority of signatures so far have come from the agricultural Central Valley, the conservative hub of Orange County, and the far-north parts of the state where a secession movement has simmered for years. In the liberal Bay Area, meanwhile, less than 1% of registered voters have signed on.

2. An investigation by the LA Times in January showed that the recall campaign had early ties to far-right extremist groups, including QAnon conspiracy types, self-proclaimed western chauvinists like the Proud Boys, and activists from the anti-vaccination movement. The Times also found that organizers from the anti-government group the Three Percenters have helped collect signatures. In recent months, the Times also found the same violent rhetoric, false assertions of election fraud, and propaganda that fueled the 6 January Capitol attack, were being shared on campaign’s Facebook pages, alongside ominous-looking photos of the California governor.

Note: This Guardian article shows that white supremacist groups and their propaganda nearly doubled in 2020 and now have zeroed in on Gov. Newsom as noted above and in this article.

Rusty Hicks, the California Democratic Party chair, told reporters in January:This recall effort, which really ought to be called the California coup, is being led by rightwing conspiracy theorists, white nationalists, anti-vaxxers, and other groups who encourage violence on our democratic institutions.”  

Recall organizer Randy Economy rejects those claims and analyses as he attempts to distance himself and his group from the January 6 Capitol insurrection. He then balked at the association, saying that Hicks’s statement showed signs of panic from the Democratic establishment.

Newsom himself has tried not to appear fazed, however, declining to discuss the recall, even as momentum grows. In his official response to the secretary of state’s office, he called the effort wasteful, and diminished the large numbers to “a handful of partisan activists supporting President Trump and his dangerous agenda who are trying to overturn the will of California voters.

But even if the recall effort fails to remove Newsom from office, it could have a lasting impact on his political future – especially if the campaign further erodes confidence in him across party lines. Newsom was elected, in part, because California’s Democratic majority wanted the state to lead the resistance against the Trump administration. Now, with Biden in office, Newsom needs to prove he can achieve some of his ambitious promises and navigate a challenging CoVID-19 recovery. Otherwise, some constituents could change their minds about him.

This recall process is explained here from The Hill article.

Mark Baldassare, the president and CEO of the Public Policy Institute of California says about the governor Newsom:He has been a very polarizing figure. Democrats are overwhelmingly supporting him and Republicans overwhelmingly disapprove of him. When things don’t go right with the vaccine rollout, the opening of the economy and schools and so forth – the governor can’t blame the unpopular president any more. People will be looking to him to make some substantial progress.”

This recall is also being bankrolled the former Arkansas governor and ardent Trump supporter Mike Huckabee and his PAC, and the CA Republican party. There was also a contribution of $500,000 from a company called Prov. 3:9 LLC, which triggered a dark money complaint by the former chair of the FEC over accusations that the organization is a shell company to disguise donors.

My 2 cents: So, “Velkom to Ameяika.” And, yes, this t-shirt is available from Amazon here – pitiful isn’t it?

Note: The background image covering America is the Russian flag.

As in most cases, the GOP hypes things by saying that President Joe Biden and the DEMS are turning us into a socialist state (like the now-defunct USSR I suppose?). 

All the while as the evidence shows in this Newsom recall effort it is they who are fighting to wipe out our democracy in favor on one huge GOP-driven opulent society.

So, yes, welcome to this new America: harsh, nasty, ugly, and ultra-rightwing (pick any label you like) that is dividing the country and spreading their hype and total nonsense that is mostly disinformation for their own political gain, all the while blaming others in every one of their nasty Ads and public statements.

It will get far worse – bet on. 

This new GOP cannot stand one moment being out of political power or losing an election, and now the Senate). Don't believe me, just listen to the GOP-minority “leader” Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his threats here from NBC.

I rest my case. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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