Friday, May 7, 2021

Most People Don't Like Nazi or Hitler Comparisons: Sometimes They Closely Match


Trump’sBig LieMirrors Hitler’sBig Lie

Right up front, let’s explore and compare what Trump’s version of an earlier day version of the “Big Lie” is as explained here from Salon (April 21, 2021) with this headline and also here from Bloomberg:

“Trump's Big Lie vs. Hitler's Big Lie: Is this how America's slide into totalitarianism begins?”

Hitler’s “Big Lie” undermined democracy. He lied about the outcome of World War I wherein he said: “Imperial Germany was never defeated in World War I, and that it collapsed, surrendered, and suffered the humiliation of the Versailles Treaty only because Jews and socialists at home betrayed their country. These domestic traitors are henceforth the new enemies. They have to be eliminated to “Make Germany Great Again” (MGGA).

Trump’s “Big Lie” also undermines democracy. He copies Hitler nearly verbatim and it’s just as eerie. Trump’s lie has him saying:  “That he did not lose the 2020 election. It was rigged and fraudulent. He said we need to change our election laws and rules to benefit our country andMake America Great Again” (MAGA).

Herr Doktor Joseph Goebbels original definition of a “Big Lie”

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Scary how close that is to Trump’s election “Big Lie” today, isn’t it?

Fact: Trump has lost a string of state lawsuits, has made hundreds of false claims, and has lost several dozen court cases (including 3-4 at the U.S. Supreme Court), yet he still claims with growing GOP support that he won and that election was “rigged and fraudulent” and merely a Democratic Party scheme to gain and keep power for socialism. This has been now labeled as the Trump “Big Lie.” 

My other post is related to this topic seen here

Also, somewhat related here, too.

The whole mood and scene in DC right now proves it is absolutely reasonable to assume and see how effective Trump remains after he started and continues his election “Big Lie.” That is his contention that he actually won and Joe Biden actually lost since the election was rigged against him – how’s that analogy.

Proven facts that we know are true, but Trump won’t believe: Every state election official has certified the 2020 results. There was the election unofficial count followed by an official count – state-by-state. There were Trump challenges and recounts and re-recounts.

There was several dozen court cases – Trump lost them all, plus at least 3-4 USSC rulings against him and his wild claims. All that and now this messy turn of events in Congress reported on here from CNN with this headline:

GOP Representative files complaint against Democrat Representative for telling the truth about Trump’sBig Lieon social post sites

Part of that story reveals the truth about Trump’s “Big Lie.

For example, the government’s Internet Security Agency (CISA) formally concluded:The November 3, 2020 election was the most secure in American history (and states ran test trials July 30, 2020 before the election that tested their systems).

It was the most-scrutinized, verified, and litigated election ever and certified as safe and secure all across the board – yes, small amounts of fraud but not one was for any nefarious reasons – some fraud merely was simple human error and not done with malice and happens in every election).

FYI: CISA is the Nation’s risk advisor, working with partners to defend against today’s threats and collaborating to build more secure and resilient infrastructure for the future.

Every effort since to support Trump's claim that he won by a landslide which was his claim has come up empty. But, facts have never mattered for Trump unless they were of course his wild claims labeled as “facts.”

By the time the last court case was heard and dismissed, Trump's acolytes had moved beyond asking for hearings. He and they have been fanning the flames of the “Big Lie” ever since.

His loyalist seem to be asking “how would you feel if you believed your candidate was robbed of victory?” 

Various judges have noted in their rulings and closing states that kind of rhetoric of politicians can spur violence. Ergo: We can conclude that January 6 proves that.


Subject: On-going state actions designed to make it harder to vote following the 2020 cycle that seems to prop up Trump’s “Big Lie.”

FL Gov. DeSantis (R) is off the rails for his power grabbing. This story illustrates that from the Orlando Sentinel with this headline:

DeSantis suspends all local COVID emergency orders, signs bill handcuffing cities, counties on future restrictions

1. The new law gives the State Legislature more power to overrule any emergency mandates or restrictions by the governor,

2. Gives the governor the authority to overrule cities and counties,

3. Gives city and county commissions the power to overrule mayors.

The bill, which takes effect on July 1, would also ban businesses from requiring so-called “vaccination passports,” thus putting into law the DeSantis EO signed last month.

DeSantis says his E.O. was only a stop-gap measure until the new law takes effect on July 1. The E.O.  comes after DeSantis had already waived all fines on individuals and businesses.

One example (Broward County) that shows FL’s County Commission structure for their 67 counties:

1. The County Commission is comprised of 9 members elected by district in partisan elections.

2. Then the County Commissions elect city Mayors and Vice Mayors for 1-year terms. The Mayor's functions include serving as presiding officer, and as the County's official representative.

3. The Commission also appoints the County Administrator, County Attorney, and County Auditor.

4. The Commission also appoints numerous advisory and regulatory boards.

Texas now has followed FL with this their own bill designed to restrict voting:  

1. Greatly empowers partisan poll watchers (just like FL).

2. Prohibits election officials from mailing out absentee ballot applications.

3. Imposes strict punishments for those who provide assistance outside the lines of what is permissible (like food or water) as many of them stand in line all day waiting to vote).

FYI: Other GOP-run states listed in the Times article, just like Texas and Florida all said that the 2020 election had been found to be “free, fair, and secure.” The ACLU Director of Texas, said in a statement:

Under cover of darkness, the Texas House just passed one of the worst anti-voting bills in the country. Texans deserve better than to wake up and find out that lawmakers jammed through a law that will make participating in our democracy harder and scarier.”

Florida and Texas are critical Republican-led battleground states with booming populations and 70 Electoral College votes between them. The new measures the legislatures are putting in place represent the apex of the current Republican effort to roll back access to voting across the country following the loss of the White House amid historic turnout in the 2020 election.

My 2 cents: TX and FL (#2 and #3 in U.S. population) are on the wrong side of history vis-à-vis massive voting rights changes  that are harsh and not needed, but since they claim Trump and the election was “rigged and fraudulent” they profess the changes are needed (to please Trump mostly).

Gov. DeSantis (FL) and Gov. Abbott (TX) both now seem to be harshly anti-democratic, anti-free, fair, secure, and wide voting, and well, just basically two pretty lousy Governors. They are being challenged in several court cases and hopefully it will reach the U.S. Supreme Court, where I hope law, our history, legal precedence and good old common sense will prevail and they will rule against them.

Not only FL and TX but the other GOP-run states across the country who have in a word: Declared war on voting rights and we know why.

Why? They a lot of races in 2020 including several big ones that historical voter turnout. So, in their twisted way of thinking is simply easier is to change the rules and make it easier for their side to win – it’s just that simple. Simple yes, and with far reaching bad implications for many classes of voter: minority groups, the elderly, the disabled, students away from home, and well anyone who is not a Republican.

Hopefully the courts will stand with the people in this craziness just like they did against Trump’s wild accusations about the “rigged and fraudulent” 2020 race – where he lost over 30 court cases and the popular vote by 7 million votes and more so in this time of the horrible virus pandemic. 

Thanks for stopping by.


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