Thursday, May 13, 2021

January 6 Update: Oath Keepers & Proud Boys Biggest Domestic Threat Says O/DNI

All too familiar sight in America
(Disgusting mob-like)

Proud Boys on Parade
(Also disgusting mob-like)

Fine article from USA Today with this headline:

Capitol riot spurred conspiracy charge against 31 suspects, but how hard is it to prove?”

Details from the article follow (edited as usual to fit the blog) and includes the Director of Office of National Intelligence (O/DNI) report (4 pages) at the site RE: Domestic Violence biggest national theat.

Nearly two months before the January 6 Capitol riot, Jessica Watkins, an Oath Keepers member and self-described commanding officer of the Ohio State Regular Militia, warned potential recruits that if Joe Biden became president “…our way of life as we know it is over.” 

Watkins went on to write in a text message that she needed the recruits to be “fighting fit by Inauguration Day,” that according to court documents. 

She concluded:It is our duty as Americans, to fight, kill, and die for our rights.”

Watkins booking photo

Prosecutors alleged that Watkins promoted “military style basic training” for recruits run by a former Marine Corps drill sergeant while organizing logistics for them to travel to Washington, and giving them advice on what weapons are legal in the city and what to wear.

Watkins has since told a judge that she renounces the Oath Keepers, an extremist group that mostly recruits people who served in the military, law enforcement or as first responders, and are concerned a cabal of elites is trying to strip Americans of their rights saying to the Judge: “We're done with that lifestyle.”  

Watkins is a bar owner and veteran of the war in Afghanistan and is one of 31 people charged with conspiracy in the January 6 Capitol riot.

Conspiracy is a loaded word for the public, but for courts, conspiracy depends on suspects agreeing to take criminal action. More than 430 people have been charged thus far in the riot, which authorities continue to investigate.

USA TODAY found the 31 alleged conspirators were charged in seven cases, ranging from as few as two defendants to as many as 12.

The alleged conspiracies weave together charges, including obstruction of government and police, destruction of property and, in the most violent cases, assault against police officers.

The conspiracy charges link defendants in groups that planned and participated in operations to interfere with Congress counting Electoral College votes that formalized President Joe Biden’s victory, as rioters stormed past barricades, smashed windows and rammed doors to enter the Capitol.

Indictments and FBI affidavits describe members of the Oath Keepers attending or scheduling paramilitary training in combat tactics.

They brought and wore paramilitary supplies, including camouflaged outfits, tactical vests, helmets, and radios.

Both the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys are extremist groups whose members describe themselves as “Western Chauvinists.” The allegedly use social media, text messaging, and encrypted applications to recruit participants from all across the country.

The O/DNI reported in March (4 page document) states that domestic violent extremists “... are motivated by a range of ideologies and galvanized by recent political and societal events in the United States, pose an elevated threat to the homeland in 2021.”

The report says ethnically motivated violent extremists and militia violent extremists represented the most lethal threats. The extremists exploit social media and encrypted chat applications to recruit, plan, and rally support for in-person actions.

This from AG Merrick Garland who testified to the Senate recently on the January 6 riot: He described the assault on the Capitol as a “fundamental effort to interfere in a peaceful transfer of power between administrations.” 

He said that prosecuting those involved is a high priority for the DOJ.

He told the Senators:I think it is fair to say that in my career as a judge and in law enforcement, I have not seen a more dangerous threat to democracy than the invasion of the Capitol.”

My 2 cents: A very good article and worth the time to read, and yes, I also believe these groups, many heavily armed unlike BLM rioters who are usually bad eggs but not armed with weapons and such are #1 threat to national security at home. 

They need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law – their actions cannot be excused. 

Thanks for stopping by.



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