Wednesday, October 13, 2021

GOP Movement:: Turning Against Trump to Show the Danger He Poses to Country


Many Republicans have ID Trump perfectly

Respectable Republican’s public warning

Personal and Factual Introduction: The country is divided deeply – and not just politically-speaking either, but in everyday life and in terms wherein it seems so lately if one listens and pays close attention is this: A person’s views or opinions on any subject matter (critical issue or not) is the only thing that matters to them. 

Their  source or person or network is all that matters to them – truth be damned – just follow the ones that seems right, whether they are or not – matters not – why? 

Who can prove or disprove anything these days? 

In short far too many people today believe and follow who they like, or who they think is right – mostly cause they sound right and toss all facts aside – since only my views matter – or so it seems. 

That is why far too many fall for Trump's “Big Lie” about the 2020 election being rigged and stolen from him. Plus, he keeps saying it to reinforce the lie and boy does it catch on and stay attached. 

Remember in Nazi German how their “Big Lie” about not losing WWI, or how the Jews have stolen and ruined everything good in Germany.

Joseph Goebbels said: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

So, tell a lie long enough and it will be believed – true or not contents matter not – at least that is for those paying attention to the lie who may be weak-minded and easily conned by the skilled liar and fall for it hook, line, and sinker. 

The B/L: Trump should never again be in or near the Oval Office…!!!

Now the following regarding more and more Republicans turning against Trump and warning of any possible second by him in 2024.

History of GOP movement against Trump:

   1. First up is this from Michael Gerson, a columnist and former aide to President George W. Bush. He argues that our democracy is at risk if Trump is re-elected with unified Republican control of the federal government. This from CNN, October 13, 2021 [click here] a (about 5-minutes).

   2. This from Reuters, May 11, 2021 [click here] with this title of the article: “Rationals vs. Radicals:” Anti-Trump Republicans threaten third party.

   3. This from Bloomberg, June 24, 2021 [click here].

   4. This from NEWSWEEK, October 11, 2021[click here].

   5. This final story should really get Trump’s attention as well as bending him of shape for another wild rant after he reads it – those who pledged to oppose him in 2020 [click here] – the voices of real Republican voters.

My 2 cents: Not much to add to this – except I guess to say just wait to see what Trump’s reaction will be. It ought to be a hoot.

Thanks for stopping by.




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