Monday, October 11, 2021

Message For: Trump; January 6 Rioters; 148 Disloyal GOP Members of Congress


Ready to address the rioters on January 6
(I'll join you later: His biggest lie ever)

Excellent article here from NY Magazine (The Intelligencer) with this headline – believe it not – it’s true:

The (January 6) insurrection was a complex, years-long plot, not a one-day event. And it isn’t over.”

(By Ed Kilgore (October 7, 2021)


The House select committee’s investigation into the Capitol Riot and the various media tick tocks explaining what Trump and his allies were doing in the days immediately leading up to it are casting new light on an important threat to American democracy. But the intense focus on a few wild days in Washington can be misleading as well. Trump’s campaign to steal the 2020 presidential election began shortly after the 2016 election, and arguably the moment of peak peril for Joe Biden’s inauguration had already passed by the time Trump addressed the “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6.

A full timeline of the attempted insurrection is helpful in putting Trump’s frantic, last-minute schemes into the proper context, and countering the false impression that January 6 was an improvised, impossible-to-replicate event, rather than one part of an ongoing campaign.

If Congress fails to seize its brief opportunity to reform our electoral system, the danger could recur in future elections — perhaps with a different, catastrophic outcome.

The timeline starts in the main story link here and above.

Further Background from my previous notes from other sources:

·  Trump has rallied (and continues to rally) his supporters around his false claims about the 2020 election being stolen from him.

·  However, dozens of courts and lawsuits brought by Trump and his allies have all failed in both state and Federal levels.

·  Even Judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans also rejected his “Big Lie.”

·  Election night votes, audits, votes counts, recounts, and then again re-recounts in key battleground states — places where the election even was overseen by pro-Trump Republicans (GA and AZ for example) all reaffirmed Biden's victory.

·  Sadly and despite no substantiating evidence to corroborate Trump’s allegations, a majority of Republicans still believe his false claims (over 60% think it was stolen from him, just like he tells them to believe).

·  For example: Polls in early August showed 2/3 (66%) of all GOP voters believe the election was rigged or stolen from Trump. Only a mere 18% of those same voters believe that Biden won fair and square.

Related Articles

·  GOP Official Accuses Pro-Trump Republicans of Attack on Our American Ideals

·  Idaho GOP Official Blames “My Pillow” guy, Mike Lindell for Election Audit & and Sent Him a Bill

·  GOP Backers of Trump's Election Fraud Claims Headed for Trash Bin of History

·  Arizona GOP Official Says Majority of Republicans Know Trump’s and GOP Election Fraud Claims are All BS

Despite all the evidence, 147 Republican lawmakers in Congress on January 6 voted against certifying Biden's EC votes from PA and AZ, including my House member: The showboating and constant PR seeker: Rep. Elise Stefanik (NY).

My 2 Cents: If anything matters in saving, protecting, and restoring our full faith in government, our democratic system, and especially in preserving our right to have a free, fair, safe, and secure election at all levels, then those people listed above, starting with Trump need to be prosecuted, and for those in office, to be voted out. 

Surely they don’t give a damn about the country – only their survival in office and big money that keeps them there. My earlier posts here, here, and here.

Finally: I have never been afraid for our country failing as a proud nation with a good solid governmental foundation and rock-solid democratic set of principles before in my whole adult life, in time of war, depression, or serious outside threats, for one reason.

We always stood together, or came together, and worked together to solve our problems or repeal an enemy, or win a war; but not now.

I fear for our entire welfare and future based on the antics of Donald J. Trump and his skills to have divided and keep the country so divided with his “Big Lie.”

It is perhaps the biggest lie ever in our nation’s history. Trump must be quickly prosecuted, tried, convicted, and sentenced to jail for the whole world to see, and before he can do any more harm.

Then we can all finally and honestly say: Good riddance. Now let’s back to being the nation-healing and reaffirm that which we all profess we want, and that is to say: We are the United States not the disunited states.

Thanks for stopping by.


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