Saturday, November 27, 2021

Cruz & Trump Jr: Morons я Us Club Members Par Excellence Above all Others

Moron Club Card-carrying Lifetime Members

New COVID Variant S. African locations
(Impact still under study)

WHO labels new strain Omicron
(GOP nuts over two skipped labels)

Two very sick headline-seeking individuals: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Donald J. Trump Jr. as seen in their typical (another) GOP BS-laden conspiracy story seen here from Business Insider with this headline:

Ted Cruz and Donald Trump Jr. taunt the WHO for skipping Xi to name the new coronavirus variant Omicron

Trump and his allies often refer to the virus as the “China virus.”

WHO decided not to use the Greek name “Xi” because it's a common spelled last name in China NOT just because of Chinese President Xi Jinping. 

WHO says they chose not to use the name as its best practices for naming diseases suggested thus “…avoiding names that are offensive to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional, and ethnic group, and Nu was not used because of its similarity to sounding like the word new.”

Read the original article with links therein at the Business Insider.

My 2 Cents: One word for Cruz and Trump Jr: STFU.

Your weak-ass argument and analogy and attention-getting ploy over this WHO decision in naming new COVID variants is at the very least one huge heaping pile of horseshït.

Now you two ask yourselves in the words from that famous political movie with Eddie Murphy when a political hack asks after a major screw up: “How do we put the shït back in the horse?”

The WHO’s logical rational explanation for not using “Nu or Xi” makes perfect sense. 

We all need to stop remaking this horrible virus into a political football or some sort of new gotcha’ GOP-related pastime – like one of your infamous “Blame Games.” 

It’s disgusting just like those two GOPers and then they wonder what’s wrong with the country. 

I say: Look in the nearest mirror. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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