Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Rep. Kevin McCarthy: House GOP Minority Leader Actually Truth and Fact Denier

Two of many GOP wackos behind McCarthy
(Recently more around him)

Ducking reporters when it fits him
(Usually in DEM attack mode) 

From the NY TIMES — on the edge of defining “Political Hypocrisy – here is definition: “Blame others for your faults while ducking responsibility for them.”

The article headline:

Republicans Hit Biden on Coronavirus

Over eight hours recently and well in the wee hours of the morning GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) stood in the well of the House and hit on many issues as he spoke his unsuccessful effort (rant) to thwart the House passage of President Biden’s social safety net and climate change bill. Among his most audacious assertions was that Biden was to blame for the country’s failure to quell the pandemic. 

Note all this to prove that point:

1. McCarthy used that line of attack even as members of his own party have spent months flouting mask ordinances and blocking most vaccine mandates and such.

2. The GOP has undermined vaccination drives while rallying around those who refuse the vaccine.

3. Intensive care units and morgues have been strained to capacity by the unvaccinated (FYI: Is a demographic of many who voted for Trump in 2020).

4. As of mid-September, 90% percent of adult Democrats had been vaccinated, compared with 58 percent of adult Republicans.

More of this GOP crap follows in the article at the link above:

McCarthy pressed his point:I took President Biden at his word; I took him at his word when he said he was going to get COVID under control. Unfortunately, more Americans have died this year than last year under COVID.”

Now as cases surge in some parts of the country, Republicans have hit on a new line of attack: The president has failed on a central campaign promise, to tame the pandemic that Trump always downplayed. 

McCarthy added: Democrats are incredulous, dismissing the strategy as another strand of spaghetti thrown at the wall.”

Andrew Bates, White House spokesman, hit back saying:If COVID-19 and inflation had lobbyists to help them kill more American jobs, Kevin McCarthy would be their favorite member of Congress. He is actively undermining the fight against COVID, which is driving inflation.”

Chris Taylor, spokesman for the DCCC, is called the “House GOP COVID biggest promoter for recklessly hand-waving lifesaving vaccine and for promoting things like Ivermectin” (an anti-parasitic drug falsely pushed as a cure for COVID-19).

I note: And other such wild conspiracy nonsense peddled by Trump.

Taylor has said:When Republicans abandoned the American people in the middle of a global crisis, House Democrats amped up vaccine distribution to crush the pandemic, reopened schools, small businesses and delivered a massive monthly middle-class tax cut.” Conversely, Republican strategists and GOP pollsters say Democrats should not be so quick to brush off the criticism, even if many COVID- related deaths this year were among the unvaccinated who ignored President Biden and his entreaties to get vaccinate.

I note: Many anti-vaxxers in that category said they or their loved ones said after they died, that they regretted not getting vaccinated – see examples posted below in my final remarks.

Neil Newhouse, GOP pollster surveyed voters on the issue and reported: McCarthy’s first hit on Biden is a competence hit — that he sold himself to voters as the guy who can make a difference in the fight against COVID, yet more Americans are dying. The bottom line is that Republicans have always been more focused on the economic impact of the pandemic, and now we’re seeing independents and swing voters expressing concern about those impacts as well: supply chain, inflation, jobs, stores not being open or having what they need. There is a sense that Biden’s presidency is falling short on its promises.”

I note: Republicans, once again and on purpose, duck and neglect to mention the rise in cases and deaths is the highest among the unvaccinated – thereby blaming Biden and bypassing medical statistical data.

The full article continues here.

My earlier post related to the whole anti-vaxxer issue here.

My 2 Cents: As I have said for years, the GOP’s new and favorite pastime is “The Blame Game,” and boy they are good at it – just listen their side spew everything for their base, then spew mostly everything Trump tells them spew, who is the paramount con artist. 

Now some case examples from anti-vaxxers I mentioned above. 

FYI for Rep. McCarthy – there are hundreds if not thousands of other examples just like these – open your eyes and mind and fact reality:

1. CDC report: Nearly all of those now hospitalized with CoVID-19 are unvaccinated patients – now over 90%. CDC also says that they are 4½ times more likely to get COVID-19; 10 times more likely to be hospitalized; and, 11 times more likely to die. 

2. CDC report: Recent CoVID deaths include two Waco, TX junior high teachers; a 13-year-old middle school boy in GA; and a nurse in Southern CA who leaves behind five children, including a newborn.

3. CDC report: Idaho has no ICU beds for patients since all are now occupied with non-vaxxers – others must wait someplace else.

4. A man with a heart condition just a few days ago went to 43 difference hospitals seeking ICU and treatment but all ICU beds were filled with anti-vaxxers – he died and his family is begging people to “get the vaccine.”

5. A former Afghan wounded Vet needed gall bladder treatment but he couldn’t get admitted since all ICU beds were filled with anti-vaxxers – he died. His heart-broken mother said:He went to war and was wounded and came home his gall bladder took him out.”

6. In OK: Gunshot victims have to wait for hospital space since they are overwhelmed with “de-wormer patients.”

7. AL news: A couple died from CoVID just three weeks apart reported. They opposed the vaccines on YouTube channel. Dusty and Tristan Graham in their latest broadcast said the vaccine “was technically not a vaccine.”

8. CA mother-of-four who was outspoken against vaccines and masks has died of CoVID-19. Kristen Lowery, 40, from Escalon, CA “unexpectedly passed away on September 15th,” according to a GoFundMe page raising money for her funeral expenses, She had labeled herself as un-masked, un-muzzled, and a free thinker.”

9. GA man, Blake Bargatze, age 25, had to get a double lung transplant after he got COVID-19 in April. He contacted the virus at a concert – he was masked but not vaccinated. He said the virus made his lungs look like “chewed up pieces of bubblegum.”

10. In Ider, AL, the town sheriff died of COVID and his wife said he on is death bed said he regretted not getting the vaccination.

Simple medical fact, masks, vaccines and such work – not 100% as we all know, but they save lives and reduce the effects of the virus.

Thanks for stopping by.

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