Monday, November 1, 2021

Halloween is Over: Now This Truly Scary Story that Trump Probably Wants to Happen


Very troublesome poll finding statement

The #1 driving force behind the poll finding

Major Update: This from NEWSWEEK vis-à-vis this same story.

You want a scary, I mean really scary and troublesome poll? 

Many of us do not like polls per se, or we take them with a grain of salt nevertheless, but this Guardian article about a recent national poll got my attention and I hope it gets yours, too. 

It follows below with this headline that makes my point:

“Almost a third of Republicans believe violence

may be necessary to save the U.S.”

That is according to a new poll from researchers at the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), a nonprofit, non-partisan group that found that 30% of Republicans agreed with the statement. Why? 

They say:Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.”

Among all Americans who believe the 2020 election was “stolen” from Trump, which it was not, 39% believe violence may be required.

The troubling statistics show the post-election rancor that led to the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on 6 January is still very much in place.

Republicans are most likely to believe:True American patriots may have to resort to violence.”

PRRI found that just 11% of Democrats and 17% of independents agreed with that same statement, and among all Americans, 18% agreed.

PRRI interviewed 2,508 adults in all 50 states for the survey conducted between 16 and 29 September 2021.

Robert Jones, CEO and founder of PRRI, told Yahoo News:It is an alarming finding. I’ve been doing this a while, for decades, and it’s not the kind of finding that as a sociologist, a public opinion pollster, that you’re used to seeing. It illustrates the significant and rapidly increasing polarization in the United States.”

Jones further stated:As we’ve gotten some distance [from 6 January], one might hope cooler heads would prevail, but we really haven’t seen that. If anything, it looks like people are doubling down and views are getting kind of locked in.”

The PRRI poll is not the first to discover an apparent readiness for violence among Republican voters.

In February a survey by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) found that 39% of Republicans thought:That if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions.”

Among all Americans, 29% agreed with that AEI statement along with 31% of independent voters and 17% of Democrats who also thought violent action might be required.

To date, more than 650 people have been criminally charged for their role in the Capitol attack. All the while, Trump continues to try and resist the House Select Committee attempts to investigate the January 6 insurrection and his connection, if any, of crimes. 

His most recent move is to sue the National Archives to stop the release of White House documents claiming he has Executive Privilege, that claim President Joe Biden has dismissed out right.

My 2 Cents: A very interesting and as I said a scary poll result.

Also, as I’ve said for a while now, the only way to stop this madness is to get Trump off the national center stage (which is loves and seeks 24/7), charge him, prosecute and try him, and sentence him to a very long prison term, otherwise he will never ever give up. 

He still hasn’t conceded losing in 2020 and he has a pitiful record to prove beyond any doubt that he lost (by 7 million votes and over 60 court challenges). 

But, he just will not give up until he has his one-man rule of America and that is not just my view, but the assessment of people a lot smarter than I am.

This poll underscores the power and influence that Trump still has over this irrational and now a very scary GOP base.

This story is very troublesome on many other levels, too especially when we factor in the massive number of people who are now armed across the country — well, that doubles the fear factor because all it takes is a few people to rip us apart and inflict serious damage.

Recall what only two men did in OK City in 1995 when they blew up the Federal building killing 168 and wounding nearly 700 – many were children in the building's ground level daycare center.

Now image several thousand heavily armed and violent people all across the nation supporting Trump’s “Big Lie” who are out to please his every whim?

Finally, this poll result is NOT about the country that I love, served for nearly 50 years, and one I cherish with all my heart and soul. I hope you feel the same.

Thanks for stopping by.

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