Thursday, December 2, 2021

GOP Says They Cherish Life: While Hating CoVid Vaccinations & Rational Gun Laws


More guns are best says the NRA
(Apparently the GOP agrees)

USSC again debates sanctity of life
(Court's choice not pregnant women)

Oxford school shooter no regard for life
(Just for his newly-acquired pistol)

Disturbing gun-related story here from The Hill right on the heels of the Oxford school shooting in Michigan with this headline:

GOP blocks bill to expand gun background checks after Michigan school shooting

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, blocked a request to proceed to legislation passed by the House in March to expand background checks for gun sales, a priority that has languished in Congress for years.

Story highlights follow (to fit the blog):

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), a leading advocate for gun control legislation, asked the full senate for their unanimous consent to proceed on the House bill. He cited the recent school shooting in at the Oxford H/S in Michigan that left four students dead and nearly a dozen wounded.

Murphy said in his remarks: I want to tell you why I'm making this request. I understand the low likelihood of success, but I hope many of my colleagues took a minute to watch the cellphone video from the school shooting in Michigan. The video footage is absolutely terrifying to watch.”

Murphy then recounted the chilling surveillance footage of the 15-year-old sophomore, Ethan Crumbley, seen emerging from a bathroom with a 9mm Sig Sauer SP 2022 pistol with a 15-round magazine and then firing at classmates and teachers. 

He ended up firing more than 30 rounds before surrendering and taken into police custody.

Sen. Murphy also noted that states that did not have universal background check requirements saw an 8% increase in violent crime compared to the national average in 2020. 

He acknowledged:That expanding background checks wouldn't have necessarily stopped the shooting in Michigan but that it would make a difference because all the data shows expanded background checks saves lives, decreases gun violence, and decreases violent crime.”

The bill in question:The Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021.” 

Two very key provisions:

* It would require background check requirements for gun transfers between private parties.

* It would also prohibit a firearm transfer between individuals unless a licensed gun dealer or manufacturer conducts a background check.

Sen. Grassley, however, blocked the request, calling it:Hostile towards lawful gun owners and lawful firearm transactions. This will not solve the problems that it seeks to solve. So-called universal background checks will not prevent crime and will turn otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals.”

Grassley then went on to say that his own bill, sponsored with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) would:Increase requirements for government agencies to accurately submit records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is a better proposal.”

Sen. Murphy said:That while that Republican bill has important pieces to it, it would substantially reduce the number of background checks done in this country it is a massive contraction of the universal background check system rather than what Americans support, which is an expansion of the overall background check system, and it would restore gun rights to individuals who are subject to psychiatric confinement.”


·  Everything we know about Ethan Crumbley

·  His pre-shooting posted message: “Now I become death”

·  Who are the shooting victims

·  Ethan Crumbley’s journal probed by prosecutors regarding his parents

My 2 Cents: All this (again) points to the GOP resistance and their hardline NRA supporters for practically no gun control measures with the false narrative that “Democrats want to take away your guns” — that falls pretty flat these days. 

Sample from the past:

Common sense gun measure will ensure that the law is followed precisely including keeping guns away from kids like in this case wherein a 15-year old high school sophomore takes the gun from home (which is father had recently bought), goes to his school with one purpose: To shoot and kill as many people as possible.

Hopefully all that will soon be forthcoming and the 15-year old shooter will be handed a very stiff penalty for his murdering rant.

Stay tuned – hopefully, too this does not turn out to be another Rittenhouse-style trial outcome. Stay tuned.

Thanks for stropping by.

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