Saturday, December 4, 2021

January 6 Capitol Attack: Wanted, Planned, and Ordered Solely by Donald J. Trump


Newsweek series of that horrible day begins

Honest truthful message: The plan will fail
(JCS to CinC)

In this new daily series, Newsweek will explore the steps that led to the January 6 Capitol Riot starting with this headline:

Donald Trump's Post-Election Fury Prompted a Warning from His General

First some Facts (my point of view): Donald J. Trump still will not concede to Joe Biden that he lost the 2020 election and still to this day is trying numerous things (legal and illegal) to overturn that election. 

All his schemes are carefully designed to keep his MAGA base in tow and on the hook thinking and hoping and believing that he will possibly run in 2024, and all for no reasons except to con them and raise millions in contributions. 

Trump lost in 2020 and that is a matter of fact and it is indisputable including from over 60 court cases that Trump lost including at least several from the USSC and even in states where his appointed judges ruled against him and his “Big Lie.” 

But, what was going on behind the scenes prior to January 6? 

Here is a taste of that and more will follow in the forthcoming NEWSWEEK series seen at the link above. 

Key person alone facing Trump: That person was JCS Chairman Army General Mark Milley who spent December 4, 2020 at the White House, attending meetings with the national security team, and department principals — all the while, thinking he'd be fired. Why? 

The chain of command and the entire national security leadership had been disrupted. 

Take for example these Trump actions:

1. He fired the Secretary of Defense Mike Esper.

2. National security officials were waiting in line to be terminated, forced to resign, or fired by Trump. Like these:

3. The Pentagon Chief of Staff.

4. Undersecretaries for Policy and Intelligence.

5. The Chief of the Nuclear Weapons Program.

6. Trump had already fired the DHS Cybersecurity Agency Chief Chris Krebs.

7. Key Deputies and Assistant Secretaries at Defense and DHS.

8. The CIA Director Gina Haspel was waiting to be let go.

9. The FBI Director Christopher Wray anticipated being fired.

There was the beginning of public rumbling that “the military would do something if Trump refused to leave office.” 

That left Milley alone to hold the line.

Two days earlier Milley had given a un-rosy assessment about the state of the U.S. armed forces, as gloomy a view as any president's primary military advisor could publicly speak.

In a virtual event to the liberal Brookings Institution in Washington, Milley circumnavigated the globe in talking about the hazardous state of the world, concentrating as well on the progression of technology, and the changes that had happened in the information society since he joined the military in 1980.

Related Articles on this same topic:

1. Donald Trump's Lafayette Park Photo-Op Spooked Military Leaders

2. Intelligence Analysts “Didn't Understand Donald Trump, or How Far He Would Go”

3. “You Must Really Hate Trump,” a Furious Trump said to AG Bill Barr

4. “There Will Be Bloodshed” as Night Fell, the Million MAGA March Turned Violent

My 2 Cents: Read the NEWSWEEK introductory series opener linked above. More will follow later as they publish the next in this series. 

That should be both dynamic and sorely needed now even more so as the House Select Committee wraps up their January 6 extensive investigation and gets it ready for anticipated public hearings of all the details leading up to that horrible day on January 6 – which I’m pretty sure will be shocking and revealing and leading directly to the main source: Donald J. Trump, the planner of that day all designed to stop the EC final 2020 vote certification designed to overturn the election and allow him to stay in office. 

Had it worked, it would have amounted to a coup of the government to favor Trump staying in office. 

So, stay tuned and bookmark NEWSWEEK for their next series segments. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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