Friday, December 10, 2021

January 6 Tied to Trump: The Truth Must Prevail Regardless of Trump's Lies


Trump's biggest lie ever justifying January 6

Startling headlines from this Business Insider article – yet that is which what many already knew was true (my emphasis):

Congress' latest subpoenas in the Capitol riot probe indicate a direct line between Trump and January 6 rally organizers

·  The January 6 select committee has subpoenaed 6 people involved in planning the rallies ahead of the Capitol riot. 

·  The committee said some people were in “direct communication with Trump regarding the January 6 rally.”

·  The committee has subpoenaed dozens of others involved in organizing the events in Washington.

The House Select Committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot has subpoenaed six more people with close ties to Trump, including Ohio GOP congressional candidate Max Miller, who served as a Trump White House and campaign aide.

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), the Chairman of the Committee, said in a statement:Some of the witnesses we subpoenaed today apparently worked to stage the rallies on January 5th and 6th, and some appeared to have had direct communication with the former President regarding the rally at the Ellipse directly preceding the attack on the Capitol.”

For example, Max Miller helped organize the January 6 “Save America” rally and met with Trump in the West Wing on January 5 along with Trump campaign aide Katrina Pierson, who was previously subpoenaed by the committee, and former Trump assistant Robert “Bobby” Peede Jr., who was also subpoenaed. The group discussed who'd be speaking at the rally on Washington's Ellipse.

At that rally, Trump told the audience the election was a “theft” and he exhorted them to march on the Capitol where the election was about to be certified, saying: If you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.” 

Trump then stayed silent for hours while the mob assaulted police officers over 1,000 times.

Trump eventually asked the rioters to stand down, you're very special.”

In a letter to Miller, the Committee said it wanted to know more about whether Miller leveraged political connections to secure rally permits for the January 6 events. Miller tweeted that he would cooperate with the subpoena, but that he'd seek “to disband the Select Committee if he's elected to Congress.

He tweeted precisely:Upon taking office, I will make sure one of my first votes is to disband this partisan committee that has weaponized its powers against innocent Americans. I will accept service of this subpoena but I will defend my rights just as I will defend the rights on my constituents when elected.”

Brian Jack, Trump's former director of political affairs, was also subpoenaed for documents and testimony concerning his efforts to invite GOP members of Congress, including Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), to speak at the Ellipse rally. 

The Committee also subpoenaed Ed Martin, a “Stop the Steal” movement organizer involved with financing the events and paying vendors like Kimberly Fletcher, who worked with “Moms for America” to organize a rally on January 5th and the Ellipse rally on the January 6, and Bryan Lewis, who obtained a permit for a Capitol rally with the purpose of urging Congress not to certify the 2020 election won by Joe Biden. The committee has now subpoenaed dozens of others involved in organizing the events in Washington on January 5 and 6 that culminated in the riot.

Trump, for his part, has invoked executive privilege over records that have been requested by the committee. 

A federal appeals court rejected his bid to block the committee from obtaining the documents, saying in a blistering 68-page opinion that while the court recognizes the constitutional protections of executive privilege, the power: “Should not be used to shield, from Congress or the public, of information that reflects a clear and apparent effort to subvert the Constitution itself.”

The ruling was a bad sign for high-profile Trump allies like former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, both of whom have refused to comply with subpoenas to sit for depositions, citing Trump's executive privilege claims.

* The DOJ charged Bannon in October with two misdemeanor counts of contempt of Congress after the House of Representatives made a criminal referral.

* The committee also announced it would move forward with a contempt referral for Meadows as well.

Related articles: Here (CNN); here (NY Times), and here (CNBC).

My 2 Cents: A lot of good information in this post that follows a lot of media reporting across many news platforms – however, this possible direct link and ties to Trump has been expected as the Select Committee moves “up the food chain” as it were to get the one man behind it all – the director, real organize, and the one who approved and ordered things to be put in motion. Yes, that single individual is Donald J. Trump – the one who is always at the top of things like this. 

He knows it all and he ordered it all and even said to the mob: If Mike Pence does the right thing (i.e., kicks the EC votes for Biden back to the states in favor of Trump) I will be declared the winner and stay in office for four more years.”

Otherwise this would be waiting for Pence based on rioter chants of Hang Mike Pence:

Designed and set up for VP Mike Pence

It’s just that simple and this House Select Committee is doing a fine job and I’m sure they will reach that same conclusion and hold Trump accountable under our legal system of justice – for that would mean closure to the horrible events on January 6. 

I sure hope I am right in my assessment. We shall see, and hopefully very soon, too. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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