Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Trump's 2025 Plan: Have Tyrant-Run Nation With One Goal "The Wrath of Don"

Policy Guru that Trump relies on
(Darth Vader or StephenDark EvaderMiller)

So, where is the GOP outrage over this Afghan refugee story from this AP story with this headline and also from FARS news here:

Trump aides (like Stephen Miller) are trying to build GOP opposition to Afghan Refugees

Miller has said: It is a collaboration based on mutual conviction. My emphasis has been in talking to members of Congress to build support for opposing the Biden administration's overall refugee plans.”

However, Miller’s approach isn’t embraced by all Republican leaders, with some calling it mean-spirited, and at odds with basic Christian teachings that are important to the white evangelicals who play a critical role in the party’s base.

These kind of strategies rely on tactics that were commonplace during Trump’s tenure (most harsh immigration policy proposals came from Miller).

That for a while at least turned off many voters, including racist tropes, fear-mongers, and false allegation peddlers, but for how long?

That is the $64,000 question isn’t it?

My 2 Cents: Rumor has it that Trump is holed up in Mar-a-Lago putting together his 2025 cabinet and Federal department heads list.

Miller, we suspect will be Secretary of State or more likely Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

It outta be a hoot for Trump and his 2025 revengeful administration fulfilling his #1 GOP-run policy goal, vis-à-vis every DEM in any office at the Federal, State, or Local levels to be housed in the nearest prison cell and without any fair trial – just “Lock ‘em up.”

That is shear speculation on my part, but at this point in time also a more likely scenario. 

Along the way to figuring that out, use this excellent “The Atlantic” article as a guide – then get back to me. Truly an award-winning article by two-time Pulitzer prize winner: Barton Gellman.

Thanks for stopping by.

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