Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Fake Documents: Giuliani Was Ring Leader to Overturn Election Certification Process

VP Mike Pence and Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(January 6, 2021 EC Certification Officials)

Pence: Bring in the Official EC Certificates
(Not Giuliani's bogus ones - simple choice)

Third update on this now fast-moving House Select Committee investigation of the January 6 Capitol attack. This update ties into the previous two updates and original post that follow below with this headline:

“January 6 riot probe subpoenas 14 people linked to false Trump electoral vote scheme”

·  The select House committee investigating the January 6 riot at the Capitol has issued subpoenas to 14 people connected to an effort to submit an alternate slate of Electoral College voters for Trump.

·  The committee said today (January 28) it wants information from people who met and submitted false Electoral College (EC) certificates in seven states: AZ; GA; MI; M; NV; PA; and WI.

·  The committee said:Those 14 people then sent the phony EC certificates to Congress, which were used by multiple Trump advisors to justify delaying or blocking the certification of the election during the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021.”

KEY POINT: The 14 people subpoenaed by the committee served as chairpersons or secretaries of each group of the false electors.

Those 14 people are named in this article update here from CNBC.  

The second update is from The Guardian here. It follows the first update and links to the main article seen below. This update has a lot more detailed information on this same timely topic and certainly a fast-moving story and rightly so.

The first update on my original post is here (posted on January 12) and on my other post here (posted on January 22).

The walls are 100% closing in on Trump and his inner circle as outlined in the story update from Business Inside here with this headline:

Top DOJ official says federal prosecutors are investigating fake Electoral College certificates that falsely declared Trump won

·  A DOJ official told CNN that the agency is investigating an effort to send fake Electoral College certificates.

·  At least seven states sent bogus certificates to the National Archives.

·  Democratic lawmakers and other officials previously called for an investigation.

The DOJ confirms that it is investigating post-2020 election efforts to send fake Electoral College certificates to Washington as a way to further Trump's efforts to overturn the election by declaring him the winner of some key states that he lost. 

Deputy AG Lisa Monaco told CNN: “We've received those referrals. Our prosecutors are looking at those and I can't say anything more on ongoing investigations.”

Note: This is the first time the DOJ has commented on lawmaker requests and from other officials to probe the fake certificate effort. Based on public statements at the time, the effort appeared aimed at derailing Congress' work counting and certifying legitimate Electoral College results.

American Oversight, a watchdog group, said it obtained copies of seven fake certificates that would have declared Trump the winner of AZ, GA, MI, NM, NV, PA, and WI.

Former Trump campaign officials previously told The Washington Post that Rudy Giuliani oversaw the effort to send these certificates.

Note: Like the legitimate certificates, the bogus ones were also sent to the National Archives. The archives act as a middle-man, collecting all the certificates before Congress formally accepts them and then counts the vote.

This traditionally perfunctory action was set to occur on January 6, 2021, when the insurrection derailed the counting process for hours before lawmakers returned late that night to finish their job.

As The Post points out, many of these efforts were previously known and done rather publicly. 

Republicans in six states sent these certificates to Washington with the hope that a future court challenge would throw out President Joe Biden's respective victories.

My 2 Cents: Sample fakes are posted in my links listed above. 

This is a serious as it gets and it further proves beyond any reasonable doubt that that the effort to overturn the election included this dramatic step as the finale to the storming of the Capitol to stop the valid count and proceed with the fake certificates that would have enabled Trump to have remained in office – hell perhaps for life.

This update clearly shows how detailed, carefully and highly planned and coordinated that effort truly was and that the insurrection was real in many aspects. 

Those involved must pay a heavy penalty and get the maximum prison time and especially Trump and his close inner circle (i.e., Rudy Giuliani, et al named in this fake EC scheme).

Thanks for stopping by.

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