Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The "Big Lie" Sticks Like Glue: Trump's #1 Con Controls & Keeps GOP Base in Tow


GOP base's hook, line, and sinker
(Trump's hand firmly on their necks)

Republicans seeking office on the Big Lie
(Will it stick & work — hopefully no)

This is posted just as the U.S. Senate takes up the issue of our voting rights. 

Facts are easily tossed aside in favor of raw, harsh, ugly, nasty, hardline politics based one side trying to retain their power built on name, fame, and fortune, and not much else:

Fact: Our right to vote is supposed to be in a Free, Fair, Safe and Secure election - that guaranteed right.

The Filibuster: An arcane and outdated Senate rule – it is not a law, nor policy, nor any constitutional provision, either – it is just a rule long overdue for being tossed in the trash heap of history. Why?

Right now, the majority in order to pass anything to break the filibuster is the 60-vote threshold (not a simple majority vote number). That is not fair. The majority should always be aware of that and allow the minority a voice, but when the minority wins that is not fair nor democratic. 

B/L: We are a nation of the majority rules.

For example: In an election after all the votes are counted, if candidate A gets 100 votes and Candidate B gets 99 – then A wins… it’s just that simple. 

Changing the voting laws to stay in power or increase one side’s power over the people and their majority voice is NOT democracy not one bit –

The GOP-run states today are changing voting laws massively based on one thing: Trump’s “Big Lie” that he lost against a “rigged and fraudulent” system is just not true. Yet he keeps signing that same tune for obvious reasons: (1) keep the “Big Lie” message fresh and hot; (2) keep is base in line; (2) and raise tons of money off of those two elements. 

The GOP’s purpose is clear with these law changes: To suppress the votes they don’t want or need – just their own kind – thus get the votes they need to win and stay in power and never ever lose again. If they votes don’t go their way – they toss them in favor of their side and their side only. That is 100% clear as day.

Best summary is this Georgia example: GA had long lines in its 2020 primary elections, which were delayed to June because of the pandemic. But national election experts have gone to say that they ran a smooth and secure general election in November 2020. 

They saw a record number of absentee ballots, and many in-person voters had to wait only a few minutes in line. Bolstered by Black voters, Democrats won the state’s tight presidential contest, and forced runoffs for GA’s two Senate seats, which they went on to win both.

Now and since that GA GOP state lawmakers have sought to rewrite the state’s election laws, claiming a need to protect election security.  

How ironic and hypocritical is that? They had by all account an honest and fair election and in the process they lost two tight U.S. Senate seats to the DEMS and that underscores my main point: They like other GOP-run states are angry about losing. 

So now they are changing the rules to make sure they never lose again. That also is as plain as day.

Reminds me Chris Krebs: He was the Trump appointed Director of the DHS Cyber Division who said the 2020 election was the most secure election ever – Trump fired him the next day.

Trump on Tuesday (November 17, 2020) fired the DHS Cyber Security Agency official (Director Chris Krebs at CISA) who had rejected Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud. Trump announced on Twitter he was firing Krebs tying it directly to Krebs' statement wherein he said: There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised

Trump said: The statement by Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate there were massive improprieties and fraud. Therefore, effective immediately, Chris Krebs has been terminated.” 

Twitter flagged that Trump tweet as “in dispute.”

That part of the Krebs story event is here

This recent short clip from Chris Krebs is seen in his short interview here on CNN with this headline: “Ex-Trump official asked how to get through to the “Big Lie” believers – his answer.”

Finally this critical point if the voter protection bill dies in the Senate: Nearly 20 states have restricted access to voting fueled by false claims: Trump’s “Big Lie” before, during. Right after, and now nearly weekly after the 2020 election.

Details and great info here from election law tracking experts at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law.

My 2 Cents: I let this post stand as it. Thanks for stopping by.

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