Friday, May 27, 2022

"Great Replacement" Theory: Trump & Republican Fear & Hype to Keep Base in Tow

Biggest spreader of racist fear and hype

They all heard Trump's racist rant
(Only Durbin & Graham spoke against it)

Mass shooters who believed Trump
(They acted with deadly results)

GreatReplacement Theory” origin and since hyped by Trump as reported on from VOX with this headline:

Trump wants fewer immigrants from “shithole countries” and more from places like Norway”

He reportedly made those racist remarks during a W/H meeting on January 11, 2018

Trump reportedly referred to Haiti and countries in Africa as “shithole countries” and called for more immigrants from places like Norway at an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers, two people briefed on the meeting told the Washington Post. NBC News later confirmed the account.

That account is explained here (14-minute video) Sen. Durbin’s remarks are most interesting.

The meeting was intended to hammer out an immigration deal that would extend protections and offer a path to citizenship to DACA recipients, but also include money for border security and reforms to some immigration programs.

According to the Post, one deal being considered would allow visas from the diversity lottery to go to immigrants who just lost Temporary Protected Status, which allowed them to stay and work in the U.S. — including those from Haiti and El Salvador, whose protections are expiring next year.

That’s the broad context for Trump’s outburst. But this isn’t the first time Trump has reportedly made racist comments about immigrants from predominantly nonwhite countries.

The NY Times recounted a meeting in the Oval Office at which Trump railed against the recipients of U.S. visas in 2017. During it, he reportedly complained Haitians “all have AIDS” and Nigerians would never “go back to their huts.” The White House denied Trump made those remarks.

The White House did not return Vox’s request for comment.)

Now to date this GOP misplaced hype about “replacement theory” all over the news and more so no with the recent mass shooting in Buffalo where the shooter, 18-year old Payton Gendron, cited in his 180-page manifesto his concerns about white people being “replaced” by other races – so he shot and killed 10 Americans in Buffalo at a TOPS market – all were black and that is now officially a hate crime.

That story and more here from RAW story with this headline (May 14, 2022)

Buffalo shooting came 8 months after NY newspaper warned of congresswoman's racist conspiracy theory

Note: That congresswoman (Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) named in the story is my Rep. in the House from this district NNY, but not from my party FYI.

Related Subject Sources:

The Twisted Logic Behind the Right’s Great Replacement Arguments

Great Replacement Theory isn't about voting. It's about whiteness

My 2 cents: I add this to wrap up this post for today:

Prominent Republicans who embrace the “replacement theory:”

In 2021, Representative Elise Stefanik came under fire for paid Facebook campaign ads in which she insinuated: “Democrats are using immigrants to replace Republican voters.”

Specifically from her Ad: “Radical Democrats are planning their most aggressive move yet: a PERMANENT ELECTION INSURRECTION.” (The Ad says it was paid for by Stefanik's campaign).

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) also has spread a similar ideology.

Some may brush all that off or even when Tucker Carlson says something insane about conspiracies to replace white people, but it’s hard to ignore when an actual representative shares videos that say things like: “An unholy alliance of leftists, capitalists, and Zionist supremacists has schemed to promote immigration and miscegenation, with the deliberate aim of breeding us out of existence in our own homelands.”

FYI: Russian TV has praised Carlson (here and here) for his harsh and off the charts broadcast skills as well as his praise of Putin from time-to-time. How pathetic is that?

So, what is wrong with America – a lot says the GOP – okay fair enough, but Mr. and Mrs. Gee Old Poops – try looking the nearest mirror – there you will see both the cause and the -effect. Good luck

Thanks for stopping by.

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