Friday, May 20, 2022

MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell: Big Trump Sycophant in Very Deep Legal Cesspool


Trump checking Lindell's talking points at W/H

From the Hill this story and headline again shows the craziness of Trump’s sycophants and supporters who have tried and still are trying to take over America for a Trump autocracy:

U.S. District Judge sanctions MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for frivolous election lawsuit

Lindell told Bloomberg Law in a phone call (total craziness): Whatever the judge thinks, that’s his opinion. I’ve got lawyers doing more important things like removing these machines from every state.” 

He then said that he would make a decision over whether he would appeal the ruling later. This latest development comes as Smartmatic sued Lindell, an ally of Trump, earlier this year, alleging that Lindell lied about the voting machine company regarding the 2020 election.

According to Smartmatic’s lawsuit:Mr. Lindell’s message was as dangerous as it was factually inaccurate. Mr. Lindell told people that Smartmatic stole the 2020 U.S. election. He told people that Smartmatic’s election technology, hardware, and software were hacked by China and other foreign countries. He told people that Smartmatic election technology, hardware, and software were developed for the sole purpose of stealing foreign elections by switching votes. And he told people that Smartmatic deployed its election technology, hardware, and software to do just that in the 2020 U.S. election. All lies.” 

Note: Lindell also faces a lawsuit from Dominion. He sued both companies for defamation, but both of his suits have been dismissed by the courts – Dominion example seen here.

My 2 Cents: Lindell and others are the kinds of people that cherish Trump for no good purposes. 

Trump thrives on them, uses them and their big money, then in the end he usually tosses them aside. 

As I've said a thousand times, Trump must be held accountable for January 6 and he must be charged, prosecuted, tired, convicted, and get serious jail time. That would be best for the country. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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