Saturday, June 18, 2022

Trump Blasts January 6: In Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference Nashville Speech

Sustained lying, despicable, snake oil con artist

Updated late post after the following was posted:

Based on this from Trump’s speech in Nashville let me see if I got this part right here from The Hill:

* Commit a Federal crime, vote me into office, and if you are truly loyal to me in that regard, I will grant you a pardon.

That was part of his speech in Nashville when he floated the idea of pardons for the January 6 defendants - that is if he were to win in 2024: 

Trump said: I will very, very seriously consider issuing pardons to defendants in cases connected to the January 6 riot if I am reelected. The defendants are being treated worse than terrorists and murderers and that most are charged with parading through the Capitol. If we’re going to be one people and one nation, America must have one set of laws and one system of justice. We don’t have that now. We have two systems. The radical left is not above the law, and conservatives are not beneath the law.” 

The DOJ said in a press release earlier this month that more than 840 people have been charged so far with crimes relating to the insurrection, ranging from assaulting officers, and entering a restricted federal building. More than 300 have pled guilty.


Original Post Below from Here: Excellent report on Trump’s recent anti-January 6 committee speech in Nashville with a short 3-minute video report from The AP via Yahoo News with this headline:

“Trump lashes out at the January 6 committee as he teases 2024 run”

NASHVILLE, TN (AP) — Making his first public appearance since the House committee investigating the January 6 insurrection began its hearings laying bare his desperate attempts to subvert democracy and remain in power, Trump on Friday (June 17) lashed out at the committee as he continued to tease his plans for a third presidential run.

Speaking to religious conservatives at a sprawling resort near the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, Trump blasted the committee’s efforts as a “theatrical production of partisan political fiction” and insisting that he had done nothing wrong, saying in part:What you’re seeing is a complete and total lie. It’s a complete and total fraud.”

He dismissed the harrowing videos and searing testimony shown by the committee — including first-hand accounts from senior aides and family members (e.g., Bill Barr & daughter Ivanka) — as having been selectively edited, and downplaying the insurrection as “a simple protest that got out hand.”

Trump’s appearance at an event long known as a testing ground for presidential hopefuls comes as he has been actively weighing when he might formally launch another White House campaign. 

The debate, according to people familiar with the discussions, centers on whether to make a formal announcement later this summer or fall or, in accordance with tradition, wait until after the November midterm elections. 

While allies insist he has yet to make a final decision about his plans, Trump for months has been broadcasting his intentions, and continued to tease them Friday, saying: One of the most urgent tasks facing the next Republican president — I wonder who that will be. Would anybody like me to run for president?”

Ralph Reed, chair of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, said: For now, we don’t know whether or not he will run, although certainly given his speech, I think he wanted to let everybody know that that is his plan. We’re going to be in pretty uncharted waters. So I would tend to think that that will not be the same kind of primary as, say 2016 was. It would seem to me that he’d be potentially stronger in that primary by having been a former president and having had this record. ... On the other hand, it is not 2020. He’s going to have a primary. And he won’t be the incumbent president. And depending on who chooses to run, it’s going to be different for him, too. He’s going to have to make case to those voters.”

Trump has spent the past year and a half holding rallies, delivering speeches and using his endorsements to exact revenge and further shape the party in his image. But some supporters say the former president, who has decamped from his Mar-a-Lago club to Bedminster, NJ for the summer, is also growing impatient.

While he has relished his role as a party kingmaker — with candidates all but begging for his endorsement and racking up large tabs at fundraisers in his ballrooms — Trump also misses the days when he was actually king, especially as he watches Democratic President Joe Biden struggle with low approval ratings and soaring inflation.

Bryan Lanza, a GOP strategist and former Trump campaign official said: I think a lot of Trump’s future plans are directly based on Biden, and I think the more Biden continues to stumble on the world stage and on the domestic stage, people forget about the downside, the dark side of Trump’s presidency.”

An announcement in the near future could complicate efforts by other ambitious Republicans to mount their own campaigns, like former SC Gov. Nikki Haley, who was Trump’s ambassador to the UN Trump has said she wouldn’t run against him.

And there also are concerns that a near-term announcement could hurt Republicans going into the final stretch of a midterm congressional campaign that appears increasingly favorable to the party. 

A Trump candidacy could unite otherwise despondent Democratic voters, reviving the energy that lifted the party in the 2018 and 2020 campaigns.

Republicans want the November election to be framed as a referendum on the first two years of Biden’s presidency. They don’t want anything, including Trump, to throw them off that trajectory.

My insert: So, the GOP’ plan based on their remarks and such is to just avoid the reality about Trump’s crimes and corruption while he was office or now (e.g., his proven fake January 6 defense fund raising scheme that is legally fraudulent) while he and they seek total of our government democratic system in some sort of dictatorship for him.  

Regardless of his decision, the aura of inevitability that Trump sought to create from the moment he left the White House has been punctured. A long list of other Republicans have been laying the groundwork for their own potential campaigns and some have made clear that a Trump candidacy would have little influence on their own decisions.

They include Trump's former vice president, Mike Pence, who has been hailed by the January 6 committee as someone who put the national interest ahead of his own political considerations. While eyeing a White House bid, Pence is maintaining a brisk political schedule focused on drawing attention to Democratic vulnerabilities.

But his challenges were put into stark relief Friday, as Trump continued to blast him for failing to go along with his scheme to overturn the results of the 2020 election. While he denied ever calling Pence a wimp, Trump railed against his former vice president saying: Mike did not have the courage to act.” That drew applause from a crowd that Pence, himself an Evangelical Christian, has spoken before numerous times.

Reed, who described himself as “a dear friend” of Pence, declined to comment on the rift, but said Pence had been invited to appear at the conference saying: If Mike Pence wanted to come and wanted to offer a rejoinder to these folks, he could have done it.”

Beyond Pence, other possible candidates including Sen. Ted Cruz and former NJ Gov. Chris Christie have also indicated their decisions do not rest on Trump’s.  Others making moves included Trump’s former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, FL Sen. Rick Scott, and SC Sen. Tim Scott, who all appeared at the conference, and FL Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is seen by many loyal Trump supporters as the future of his movement.

For example: Conservative Pam Roehl from Illinois arrived at the conference wearing a red Trump baseball cap and “Trump 2020” necklace, saying she still supports the former president, but increasingly finds herself in the minority among friends who have moved on, discarding their bumper stickers and embracing DeSantis, saying: “They’re like kind of: ‘Get with the program. Why aren’t you backing DeSantis?’”

It is also increasingly clear that Trump wouldn’t march to the GOP nomination unchallenged, a large field of candidates could still work to his advantage. The dynamic is beginning to resemble the 2016 campaign, when Trump faced a large and unwieldy group of candidates who split the anti-Trump vote.

Indeed, despite the audience cheers, many of those attending the conference voiced skepticism about a third Trump run. 

Jonathan Goodwin, a minister who works as a Faith and Freedom organizer in SC said: I don’t know. The jury’s still out with me. I like him, but I think he shot himself in the foot too many times. I think he should have bowed out gracefully of his loss in 2020, whether it was rigged or not.”

My 2 Cents: How can anyone still “like” Trump seeing and hearing how he acts or has acted and still wants to act as President – in a word they are in deep “denial” and that is very troubling because millions hold that view about sticking with Trump. 

It almost defies gravity itself to see, hear, and comprehend how anyone can still stand by that man.

But, it also shows the power of him as a biggest con man ever in modern American and perhaps the entire history of the world. 

Amazing, truly amazing that his followers fall for that con – worse is that Trump himself does, too. Shows the level of his intellect at about zero at least in my view.

I suppose the Trump sycophants never heard of this from our greatest president, um???

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. — Abraham Lincoln

As for me, I trust in and have faith that the voters will not fall for Trump's sustained “Big Lie,” and his cheap and illegal stunts to regain power. 

I think they would totally reject him if he decides to run in 2024. 

In the meantime I believe they will reject anyone running on his “Big Lie” in the 2022 midterm cycle. Right now that number is over 100 running on his con. Fingers crossed on both. We shall see.

Thanks for stopping by.

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