Monday, June 13, 2022

Mulvaney and Others: Turning on Trump as the January 6 Hearing Clearly Shows

Mulvaney classic song: Clowns to the left of me;
Jokers to the right; Here I am stuck in the middle

Trump has new enemy on his “hit list” to zero in on: His former White House CofS, Mick Mulvaney the man in the middle of two morons (Powell and Giuliani seen above).

Very interesting remarks in this story from with this headline:

Garbage in. Garbage out” – says Trump's former Chief of Staff as he trashes Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell

Donald Trump's former White House Staff White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney called members of the former president's inner circle “garbage” during the January 6 hearings, tweeting:Trump's inner circle at the end was … Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and Peter Navarro were like Garbage in. Garbage out.

Mulvaney's comments come as the select committee investigating the Capitol riot holds its second day of televised hearings, during which new evidence was brought to light surrounding Trump's failed efforts to overturn the election. 

In a video clip during the same hearing a former Trump lawyer said about that group:What they were proposing I thought was nuts.”

During the hearings, Bill Stepien, Trump's former campaign manager, revealed that Trump allies like Giuliani and Powell had fed the former president grandiose, yet baseless, stories of widespread voter fraud with which Trump could create a narrative and say over and over that the election had been “stolen” which BTW was a driving force behind of the January 6 mob that stormed the Capitol to stop the official EC final vote tally certifying Joe Biden as president.  

Mulvaney also was a former House Representative and staunch Trump backer. In February 2020, he claimed it was “absolutely 100% true” that the “Deep State” – a shadowy body of non-elected and influential conspirators – was plotting to undermine Trump's presidency.

After Trump lost, Mulvaney predicted that Trump would concede “gracefully and would fight to make sure the results are fair.” The opposite occurred as we now know.

Since January 6, Mulvaney had stepped down in the wake of the Capitol riot, and he became a vocal Trump critic.

For example, back in July, Mulvaney slammed Trump for failing to ramp up COVID-19 testing to his liking, calling the delay “inexcusable” and in a CNBC op-ed wrote: “I know it isn't popular to talk about in some Republican circles, but we still have a testing problem in this country. That is simply inexcusable at this point in the pandemic.”

Last March after Trump claimed the Capitol rioters posed “zero threat to the Capitol police,” Mulvaney again trashed Trump's allegations as “manifestly false,” said in a CNN interview: I was surprised to hear the President say that. Clearly there were people who were behaving themselves, and then there were people who absolutely were not, but to come out and say that everyone was fine and there was no risk, that's just manifestly false – people died, other people were severely injured.”

My 2 Cents: This from Mulvaney shows again how hypocritical many Republicans, those around Trump and many in Congress, were and still are.

They speak one way in private and another way in public when it suits their personal political agenda, or to hawk a book deal, or just to increase their name, fame, and fortune. This is a classic example.

Thanks for stopping by.

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