Saturday, June 11, 2022

Will DOJ Charge Trump: The Evidence Proves that "No One is Above the Law"

I want to serve you not me
(Wink, Wink: Hook, Line, and Sinker)

Below is my reading of the introduction to following NBC News rundown on the January 6 committee’s first public hearing on June 9 with this headline about the events of that day:

Does the Justice Department want to charge Trump? Here's what could happen

My Introduction: Republicans for the most part (and many in Congress especially) and more so Republican “conservatives” stick by Trump like super glue professing the DEMS are destroying the country, wrecking the economy, and taking us backwards not forward.

All the while they wave the flag of patriotism, sing God Bless America, seek more of Mom’ apple pie and such, but look past the harm, destructive harm that Trump has done and still is trying to this very day to overthrow all that we stand for by losing the 2020 election.

Then they watch and some took part in inciting the January 6 storming of the capitol to stop the election certification including by all accounts knowing what the plan was since Trump himself along with close allies made the plan and set things motion. That horrible day we now know, have heard, and seen documentary video evidence of a meeting in the basement of a Capitol region building between the Oath Keepersand Proud Boys (video clip from the NBC article). 

Image from UK documentary video
(Evening of January 5, 2021)

They had heavy arms stored at a Comfort Inn in VA, just across the Potomac, with a QRF (Quick Reaction Force) that was ready to put the proverbial icing on the cake for Trump’s return to power on that horrible day.

Their goal was simple: Do whatever to make Trump’s Coup d’état plan succeed by overturning the election results and keeping Trump in power for as long as he wanted with no laws in place except his.

Below is the lead into the main NBC News article (formatted to fit the blog). Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) vice chair of the January 6 committee and her powerful opening remarks sounded a lot like a lawyer’s opening statement at a criminal trial and have renewed a debate in legal circles about whether the DOJ could and should prosecute Donald J. Trump.

With a growing body of evidence that Cheney and others say points to criminal acts involving Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, AG Merrick Garland may ultimately be faced with an excruciatingly difficult decision about whether prosecuting a former president is in the national interest. 

A person familiar with the matter told NBC News there have been conversations inside the DOJ about the far-reaching implications of pursuing a case against the former president, should it come to that. 

So far, no public evidence has surfaced that Trump has become a criminal target. 

AG Garland said in his speech at Harvard’s commencement ceremony last month: “We will follow the facts wherever they lead.” 

His deputy, Lisa Monaco, has confirmed that prosecutors were looking into the legal implications for those who took part in schemes to push slates of fake Electoral College certifications declaring Trump the winner of states Joe Biden won.

Barbara McQuade, an NBC legal analyst and a former U.S. attorney said about that:Filing criminal charges against Trump in connection with his efforts to overturn the election will very likely spark civil unrest, and maybe even civil war. I think not charging him is even worse, because not charging means you failed to hold someone criminally accountable who tried to subvert our democracy.”

Chuck Rosenberg, also an NBC News legal analyst, former federal prosecutor, and former head of the DEA said: Either way, it’s a momentous and unprecedented decision — not as easy as some folks might imagine it to be.”

My 2 cents: The full NBC News article continues here – it is worth the time to read. Very informative and worthwhile information.

My B/L as always is that the evidence against Trump, including in his own words and voice and various recording like that phone call to the GA Secretary of State to “find the votes” to enable him to win in GA which he did,

That and other evidence is most-compelling in my view (a non-lawyer view) to force the DOJ to charge, prosecute, try, and see Trump convicted of high crimes again the country and receive a very long prison term – that would be justice that we all say (Republicans included) that “No one is above the law.”

Thanks for stopping by.

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