Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Trump Tactics 101: Hire People; Use Them, Abuse Them; Dump and Insult Them

Latest Trump Target: Honest & truthful person
(Former W/H Aide Cassidy Hutchinson)

This recent January 6 committee witness testimony story has legs as the expression goes. Here from Bloomberg news with the below headline vis-à-vis Cassidy Hutchinson’s gripping testimony on June 28 ref: The January 6 Capitol riot and Trump’s involvement:

January 6 Witness Account of Trump Outburst Gets Fresh Scrutiny

(Bloomberg) – A former White House aide’s account of Trump lunging for the steering wheel of his armored vehicle is facing closer scrutiny a day after her vivid testimony to a House panel investigating the Capitol insurrection.

Tony Ornato, a long-time Secret Service agent who was working at the time as a deputy chief of staff to Trump, has told people that Cassidy Hutchinson’s account to the House committee isn’t consistent with his understanding of the incident, according to a person familiar with Ornato’s denial who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony is that Ornato shared the account with her shortly after the motorcade returned to the White House on January 6, 2021 as the mob of Trump supporters was heading for the Capitol. 

Tony Ornato gave her the account of the incident while he and Bobby Engel was with them and Engel didn’t disagree with any of the details at the time Ornato spoke.

She said Ornato told her:The president reached up toward the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. Mr. Engel grabbed his arm, said Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge toward Bobby Engel and he had motion toward his clavicles.”

Now it seems that Ornato and Engel are willing to testify under oath that the description the committee heard isn’t correct.

Ornato and Engel have said Trump was upset by the Secret Service decision that he couldn’t go to the Capitol for safety reasons and grumbled about it.

Ms. Hutchinson’s lawyers, Jody Hunt and William Jordan of Alston & Bird LLP, issued a statement (June 29) saying: Ms. Hutchinson stands by all of the testimony she provided yesterday, under oath, to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 attack on the United States Capitol.”

Some Democrats argue that Hutchinson’s testimony isn’t undermined until Ornato and Engel present a contradictory account under oath rather than through anonymous surrogates in the press. 

They also note that Hutchinson never claimed to witness the steering wheel incident and instead testified she had heard about it directly from Tony Ornato.

My 2 Cents: Once again we see as we have a thousand times before just how evil Donald J. Trump truly is. 

In this example as many times before also, we see how he counters anything said about him like this he posted on his “TRUTH SOCIAL” page against Ms. Hutchinson:I hardly know who this person, Cassidy Hutchinson is, other than I heard very negative things about her (a total phony and “leaker”).... She is bad news!”

This is the same Donald J. Trump who once said this about another close W/H aide, George Papadopoulos, whom he belittled as a “Low Level Adviser that I hardly knew.” Note in the photo below that Mr. Papadopoulos (red arrow) was sitting at the same table during a Trump meeting in March 2016.

Later this story broke about Papadopoulos whom BTW Trump would later pardon – we still wonder why. 

And, this is very same Trump again seen here. Hire a person; use them; abuse them; defame and harm them; and keep up the denial. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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