Saturday, July 2, 2022

Walls Nearly Closed on Trump: Next Up Indict, Charge, Try, Convict & Sentence Him

Judicial Premise:No One is Above the Law
No President Never Charged: Trump firsts
(Two impeachments; Now long list of crimes)

Key parts of the January 6 hearing (Thursday, June 23) reported on here from Raw Story with this opinion article headline (formatted to fit the blog):

Bombshell January 6 hearings show the DOJ is in very real danger

That hearing focused on the efforts Trump undertook during the coup to strong arm the DOJ into backing his false claims that the election was stolen. 

The main panel of witnesses were: Jeffrey Rosen, Richard Donoghue, and Steven Engel. All three were higher-ups in the DOJ under Trump. They testified to a meeting they had with Trump on January 3, 2021.

During the meeting, they threatened to resign if Trump went ahead with a plan to use the DOJ for his criminal ends. Trump's plan was to appoint a man named Jeffrey Clark as acting AG for the sole purpose of creating a legal pretext to void out Joe Biden's presidential victory.

According to Donoghue's testimony Trump reportedly told the leadership of the DOJ: Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.”

Then Republican committee member, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), described the man that Trump tried to force on the DOJ as acting attorney general this way: Who's Jeff Clark? He’s an environmental lawyer with no experience relevant to leading the entire Department of Justice. What was his only qualification? That he would do whatever the president wanted him to do, including overthrowing a free and a fair democratic election.”

The above article, and as this article also shows, it’s time to prosecute Trump as the best shot to keep the DOJ from becoming a wholly corrupt institution serving the whims of a dictatorial president.

In 2020, Trump's efforts to corrupt the DOJ were stopped by career bureaucrats who took the law more seriously than Trump's concerns. 

Trump, as the committee made clear, will make sure that never happens again. Letting Trump get near the Oval Office again, we’ll get a DOJ made of nothing but Jeff Clarks. That's the powerful message the committee was sending to current AG Merrick Garland.

My 2 Cents: This fine opinion article’s bottom line as they say was stated up front – this way:

If AG Merrick Garland truly wants to protect the DOJ from political interference and salvage the institution's reputation, then he must charge Donald Trump for his crimes related to his 2020 coup attempt. That's the main takeaway from the House committee to investigate the January 6. It is the message the committee clearly hopes will be heard by the attorney general, and was the underlying message of the committee's fourth hearing on Thursday, June 23.”

All that was followed by the stunning Cassidy Hutchinson testimony (see my next post that follows this post), and witness tampering news that has followed since. The case against Trump is clear in my mind about him violating a number laws while committing his many crimes.

Recall when AG Garland said on January 5, 2022, that he would prosecute anyone involved in the Capitol riots, he was not only laying out his approach to the sprawling investigation of that attack. 

He also was responding to a growing number of people who have pressured him to announce he would criminally charge Trump for the role he played in that day’s horrible events, before, during, and after.

Garland said precisely: “The Justice Department remains committed to holding all January 6th perpetrators, at any level, accountable under law — whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy. We will follow the facts wherever they lead.” 

As for me, I trust AG Garland because of his past over 20 years on the bench as a Judge – he is sure, precise, and methodical and I’m sure he wants any indictment against Trump (as a former President) to be rock-solid airtight and so complete that any jury will 100% find Trump as he surely will be charged and get a very long prison sentence one that is fair and just for the nation and our overall survival, and not for some narrow one-sided political view. At least in my opinion. 

So, stay tuned. The J-6 committee finale is apt to be an academy award conclusion and again in my humble view will guide the DOJ and AG Garland to move swiftly to carry out justice against Trump and all others involved. 

That is what the nation needs: Closure and healing for the events of that horrible day in American history. 

Related food for thought articles here, here, and here

Thanks for stopping by.

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