Monday, July 4, 2022

Romney Rips Trump: Says in Essence that Trump Should Never Again be in Office

This Atlantic image speaks volumes about us
(Too many still fall for Trump's Big Lie”)

Excellent opinion piece by Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) here from The Atlantic (original article) with this headline:

America is in Denial

Too many Americans are blithely dismissing threats that could prove cataclysmic.

The same article is cited here from The Hill with their analysis of his Atlantic piece with their headline coverage:

Romney:Trump’s return would likely make malady of denial, deceit, and distrust in the U.S. incurable.”

Hill's part of Romney’s Atlantic opinion piece:

In an opinion piece published in The Atlantic, Romney said that many Americans on both sides of the aisle are continuing to dismiss various threats against the country, including inflation, global climate change, illegal immigration and water insecurity in the West. 

He cited the reactions of “MAGA loyalists” to the recent congressional hearings on the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol as another such example of Americans’ denial.

Romney wrote: If we continue to ignore the real threats we face, America will inevitably suffer serious consequences.”

Romney called Biden:A genuinely good man but has yet been unable to break through our national malady of denial, deceit, and distrust. A return of Donald Trump would feed the sickness, probably rendering it incurable.”

Recall that Romney in the 2016 presidential race called Trump “a fraud,” and voted to convict the former president following both of his impeachments.

Romney also called out Congress, saying it has been disappointing in its failure to take action writing: Our elected officials put a finger in the wind more frequently than they show backbone against it. Too often, Washington demonstrates the maxim that for evil to thrive only requires good men to do nothing. What accounts for the blithe dismissal of potentially cataclysmic threats?” 

He then asked:The left thinks the right is at fault for ignoring climate change and the attacks on our political system. The right thinks the left is the problem for ignoring illegal immigration and the national debt.”

Romney said he has hope for the future, saying he wants a president “who can rise above the din to unite us behind the truth” and adding that until such a leader holds the country’s high office, leadership must come from everyday Americans;

He concluded:While we wait, leadership must come from fathers and mothers, teachers and nurses, priests and rabbis, businessmen and businesswomen, journalists and pundits. That will require us all to rise above ourselves — above our grievances and resentments — and grasp the mantle of leadership our country so badly needs.”

My 2 Cents: At the Hill page I posted my comment about Romney’s article with this (annotated “DF”): “Spot on Sen. Romney – absolutely I agree with your words and logic and reasoning 100% and BTW I'm a lifelong DEM, too. See America – it's not hard to agree with someone, right? We call that leadership.”

I don’t always agree with Romney or other Republicans but boy he nails it with this opinion piece. I also believe he speaks of millions of Americans. So, congrats to him for that fine opinion piece.

I’m also sure Trump is livid about seeing that today. Ho hum…

But, then and also sadly, look at the numbers still sticking with Trump in this article headline from here:

Most Republicans still falsely believe Trump’s stolen election claims. Here are some reasons why.”

In poll after poll, about 70% of Republicans say they don’t think Joe Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election.

Thanks for stopping by.

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