Monday, July 25, 2022

Ginni Thomas on Hot Seat: Needs to Testify for January Committee or Face Subpoena

Oh, my dear: What did you try to do  
(Justice Thomas ponders about his wife)

Ginni Thomas (Justice Thomas’ wife) in a series of radical texts to Mark Meadows is bad news for her as seen in this story from PEOPLE with this headline – the key parts follow:

“Ginni Thomas Might Get a January 6 Subpoena: Hope it Doesn't Get to That”

November 5, 2020, two days after the election: She sent Meadows a text message saying: Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc.) are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition.”

November 6, 2020: She followed up that with another which read:Do not concede. It takes time for the army who is gathering for his (Trump’s) back.”

It did not stop there – here’s more from her to various people:

November 10, 2020: Again a message to Meadows ust as Joe Biden was predicted to win the presidency, she claimed: “He was attempting to pull off a heist. 

Yet her inquiries about altering the outcome of the election didn't stop with Meadows.

According to emails obtained by The Washington Post, Thomas:Pressed 29 Republican state lawmakers in Arizona — 27 more than previously known — to set aside Joe Biden's popular vote victory and choose alternate presidential electors (the fake electors scam).

November 9, 2020: The Post also reported that Ginni Thomas sent identical emails to 20 members of the Arizona House and seven Arizona state senators — more than half of the Republican members of the state legislature.

In her message, she told those AZ lawmakers:To stand strong in the face of political and media pressure and ensure that a clean slate of Electors is chosen.”

On December 13, 2020: One day before the Electoral College was set to seal Biden's victory she sent another email to 22 members of the House and one senator saying:Before you choose your state's Electors, I ask you to do two things: (1) watch a YouTube video that shows a man urging lawmakers to not give in to cowardice, and (2) please consider what will happen to the nation we all love if you do not stand up and lead.”

In a March 2022 interview with The Washington Free Beacon, Ginni Thomas said she attended the rally Trump spoke at on the morning of January 6, but insisted that she: “Played no role with those who were planning and leading the January 6 events” (that is attacking the National Capitol).”

My 2 Cents: The evidence is strong and compelling.

Ginni Thomas must testify before the January 6 committee, and if she does not then they should issue a subpoena and see if that works, and if that does not work, then they must refer her to DOJ for prosecution just like Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro. She deserves nothing less because “no one is above the law.” 

Her approach to the fake elector scam alone is in my view sufficient to prosecute and punish her, and it has nothing to do with who her husband is. 

She conspired to commit a very serious crime and it is documented in her own words and texts.

Thanks for stopping by.

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