Saturday, July 30, 2022

GOP Senate Fake Patriots: Voted Down Aid for Vets Exposed to Toxic Burn Pits

Former Marine Scott Evans (age 33) w/Meds
(Afghan tours has terminal pancreatic cancer)

This massive update from VOX with this their statement just in: “Update, August 2, 12:30 pm: This story has been updated to include new information about a Senate vote on this legislation.”

I Note: Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) GOP minority leader now says: “It will pass. 

Um… due to too much public outcry and backlash, eh, Mitch? I guess so…

The “Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT)” Act of 2022 marks the first time in history that such comprehensive health care legislation has moved forward, passed, then 25 Republicans bailed and changed their “yes” vote to “no” and it failed pending a monetary ruling based on their foolish reasoning – that story is here with this headline here from and here from The AP:

“Senate Republicans burned a bill that would have helped veterans — here’s why”

Democrats say the reason is over unrelated pending bills

On May 18, members of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee announced an agreement on the PACT Act of 2022, legislation that would deliver health care and benefits to all Veterans exposed to toxic environments. Both houses of Congress previously passed the bill with the Senate voting 84-14 in June in favor but the bill was forced into another vote after “administrative issues” were found in its text. After changes were made, it was expected to breeze through Congress and be signed into law by Biden, however, this time 42 senators, (including 41 Republicans of which 25 of them flipped their “yes” vote to “no”) and blocked the bill.

Here are the 41 Republican senators who opposed the bill:

·  John Barrasso of WY

·  Cynthia Lummis of WY

·  Marsha Blackburn of TN

·  Bill Hagerty of TN

·  Josh Hawley of MO

·  Roy Blunt of MO

·  Mike Braun of IN

·  Todd Young of IN

·  Richard Burr of NC

·  Thom Tillis of NC

·  Bill Cassidy of LA

·  John Kennedy of LA

·  John Cornyn of TX

·  Ted Cruz of TX

·  Tom Cotton of AR

·  Dan Sullivan of AK

·  Kevin Cramer of ND

·  Steve Daines of MT

·  Joni Ernst of IA

·  Deb Fischer of NE

·  Ben Sasse of NE

·  Cindy Hyde-Smith of MS

·  Roger Wicker of MS

·  Jim Inhofe of OK

·  James Lankford of OK

·  Ron Johnson of WI

·  Mike Lee of UT

·  Mitt Romney of UT

·  Roger Marshall of KS

·  Mitch McConnell of KY

·  Rand Paul of KY

·  Rob Portman of OH

·  Mike Crapo of ID

·  James Risch of ID

·  Mike Rounds of SD

·  John Thune of SD

·  Rick Scott of FL

·  Tim Scott of SC

·  Richard Shelby of AL

·  Tommy Tuberville of AL

·  Pat Toomey of PA

The PACT Act: The bill marks the first time in U.S. history that such comprehensive health care legislation has moved forward. 

Senators Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Jon Tester (D-MT) said in a joint statement:This bipartisan legislation is the most comprehensive toxic exposure package the Senate has ever delivered to veterans in this country’s history. For far too long, our nation’s veterans have been living with chronic illnesses as a result of exposures during their time in uniform. Today, we’re taking necessary steps to right this wrong with our proposal that’ll provide veterans and their families with the health care and benefits they have earned and deserve.”

According to the infographic the PACT Act will deliver the following benefits to Veterans:

·  Expansion of access to VA health care for toxic-exposed Veterans

·  Expansion of the period of health care enhanced eligibility for Post-9/11 combat veterans

·  Expands health care to more than 3.5 million veterans

·  Adds 23 burn pit and toxic exposure-related conditions to VA’s presumption list

·  Creates a framework for the establishment of future toxic exposure-related presumptions of service connection

·  Provides toxic exposure screening to all generations of veterans at VA medical appointments

·  Bolsters toxic exposure-related education and training for VA health care and benefits personnel

·  Establishes 31 new VA health care facilities in 19 states

Possible Burn Pit Exposure Symptoms

Support for the PACT Act: This announcement comes after months of staunch advocacy for the legislation from the American Legion, the VFW, and the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Association (IAVA).

Matthew Mihelcic, VFW National Commander announced:Today’s announcement from Senators Tester and Moran is a strong show of good faith to the veteran community. I applaud them on their work on the bill and I am encouraged to see both Democrats and Republicans coming together to make good on a promise to care for our veterans, service members, and their families, dealing with the costs of war.”

The American Legion National Commander, Paul Dillard, said:The PACT Act would deliver needed benefits for 3.5 million veterans. Those were Veterans exposed to the poisons of war due to the prevalence of burn pits, radiation, contaminated water, Agent Orange and other toxicants during deployments and military assignments. I ask all Americans to tell their senators to vote for the Honoring Our PACT Act.”

Next Steps: The PACT Act hasn’t passed yet, as the agreement was made between the ranking members of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. From here, the legislation will come to the Senate floor for a vote. If approved, it will move to the President’s desk for approval after a final review by the House of Representatives.

While there is no set timeline yet, many are hopeful that the PACT Act will become law before summer is in full swing.

Stay tuned for updates!

My 2 Cents: Patriotic military-friendly GOP, right? BS …

This vote alone proves that those 41 and especially the 25 who flipped their vote to “No” (and some are Vets, too) are first class hypocrites crying about “the cost.” 

Okay, I ask them – how much does your freedom cost – what is a good price for your freedom? 

I recall seeing an old VN war slogan frequently sometimes on infantry helmets or flak jackets that read: “Freedom is not free.”

Pitiful GOP on this issue – shame on them. Call your Senator and tell them to vote “Yes” for face an end to their political career next cycle and press them hard.

Thanks for stopping by.

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