Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Hillary Clinton E-Mail Scandal: Result from 2016 — 2019 Nada, Nil, Zip, Zilch, Zero


Back then vs. Mar-a-Logo today
(A nothing burger then – today criminal)

Many hardcore Republican conservatives today failed to have read this NEWSWEEK article (October 19, 2019) with the headline below as they try to compare that story with the Trump Mar-a-Logo saga today. 

Now, watch them tap dance even more while still in deep denial as they deflect the facts and truth for more of their one-sided (and usually false) political haymaking across the airwaves comparing those two events in our nation’s history:

Hillary Clinton Cleared of Mishandling Classified Information After 3-Year Private Email Probe – Trump so far is silent

A major investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state found no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information.

The finding by the State Department, released by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) follows a three-year investigation, for which Clinton handed over roughly 33,000 emails.

Assertions of Clinton's wrongdoing had been a major cornerstone of his 2016 election campaign along with repeated Michael Flynn generated chants of “lock her up” or Trump’s fav label calling her “Crooked Hillary” — however, Trump made no mention of this latest finding and report from Grassley.

The Background: The investigation was launched by Grassley in 2017 when he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Grassley has been one of Hillary Clinton's most ardent critics with regards to use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State.

Grassley remained critical of Clinton's handling of classified information after it was revealed she had been using a private email to conduct official business when she was the top U.S. diplomat from 2009 to 2013.

Grassley pressed on with his investigation despite then-FBI Director James Comey stating in 2016 that hewould not recommend any criminal charges.” Comey did criticize Clinton's use of a private email server “as extremely careless.”

The DOJ IG also said that FBI specialists had not found evidence that the server was hacked as rumors flew about that aspect. This latest report concluded “…there was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.”

My 2 Cents: So, why was Trump basically silent in 2019, in the article above?

I believe that this Politico article explains that in explicit details reported on here with their headline:

“Why the Trump search warrant is nothing like Hillary's emails”

The president has decried the FBI’s search of his home. But legal experts say the agency is likely on firm ground. They note Trump could clear a lot of the mystery up himself (but don't hold your breath).

Based on all that above consider the Hillary case closed, and now the GOP hardcore righties can STFU…

Thanks for stopping by and remembering the truth – pass it along.

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