Friday, August 19, 2022

Disgraceful Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Off The Deep End of the Shallow Pool Again


Spot on cartoon from CNN

Taylor Greene doesn't know the difference

Taylor Greene probably doesn't know this either

This story from CNN last week with this headline put a lot into perspective and triggered me to post the story:

“Marjorie Taylor Greene's blunder sums it up”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) (yeah this Taylor Greene) lashed out at Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) falsely accusing her of having “the gazpacho (guhz·paa·cho) police spying on members of Congress.” She apparently mistook a cold vegetable soup Gazpacho for the word Gestapo which was Hitler and the Nazi’s regime's secret police. 

That it wasn't the first time Greene had reached for wildly inappropriate Nazi comparisons. Even if she had gotten the term Gestapo right, there would have been no excuse for comparing the Nations’ Capitol Police (many badly injured on January 6 – some with lifetime injuries) with the murderous agents in Hitler’s Germany.

Greene's blunder came at a head-spinning moment in our history and more so in these ugly nasty hyper-partisan politics mostly generated by this “new” owned and operated Trump GOP that now comes on the hells of the horrible CoVID pandemic have combined to produce a cavalcade of misinformation, disinformation, ignorance, conspiracy theories, and self-defeating protests – all as if reflecting shades of the “know nothing party” prior to the Civil War that has now become the feature of 2022 and probably beyond – just at the 2022 GOP of candidates – probably the worse in American political history and all glued to Trump and his 2020 election “Big Lie” – all that puts us on a the fast track straight to Hell itself.

My 2 Cents: Right now the survival of our nation and our structure both the good and bad parts which have lasted over 245 years faces real danger and it’s mostly one-sided GOP-generated.

The facts are undeniable and now it is up to the voters to step up and save our present-day fragile democracy.

Of course that assumes the GOP-run states now tampering with our voting rights will stop and that allows us to be able to vote free, fair, safe, and secure. But more importantly to be assured that our vote will indeed be counted fairly and will actually count.

Right now that issue plus the impact of the Roe v. Wade decision, sustained assault on healthcare (GOP again), growing gun-related crimes, and public education are under vicious ultra-rightwing GOP assault.

It is therefore paramount that candidates running for office be held to explain how they will protect our rights and do so in clear and understandable context to the voters who can see and hear who they will be voting for that are clear choices, and see and hear the differences, and measure the consequences of not choosing wisely – a lot is at stake for decades that lie ahead.

In short we must ensure that no more Taylor Greene, Bobert, Gosar, Brooks, Biggs, Gaetz, Gohmert, Jordan, Roy, Perry, Laudermilk, Hice,  Stefanik, or McCarthy types ever serve in the House, or in the Senate alongside Cotton, Cruz, Hawley, Blackburn, Paul, Ron Johnson, Graham, Scott (FL), Scott (SC), or Mitch McConnell types who have proven their will and ability to inflict serious and in some cases irreparable harm on the country – a fact that cannot be denied.

More importantly, we must never allow Donald J. Trump to be in any official office again

Thanks for stopping by.

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