Monday, August 22, 2022

Michael Cohen: Sheds Light on Plans Trump May Have Had for Classified Documents

Cohen was Trump’s Fixer now the un-fixer

Some were marked Top Secret/SCI
(The highest protected classification)

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney and the one Trump called “the Fixer” and who also served jail time because Trump turned on him has been and breathtakingly honest about who Trump really and he explained what Trump is capable of if cornered or threatened by any legal action seen in this original 6-minute Michael Steele interview in the last 1-minute of the video.

Michael Steele asked Cohen why he thinks Trump hauled classified documents to Mar-a-Lago with him after he lost the 2020 presidential election saying: “Based on everything you know about him, why do you think he wanted to keep those top secret documents at Mar-a-Lago.”

Cohen immediately responded:He's gonna use it as a get out of jail free card. It's a way to extort America turn around to say if you put me in jail, if you go after me – he'll even say his children – I will have my loyal supporters who you do not know who have copies of information that may have been, and again this is my conjecture, that I would take those documents. I will release them to Iran, to China, to North Korea, to Russia. You want to take me down, I'll take the whole country down.” 

Cohen then quickly added:Remember, and I've said this a 1,000 times, Michael, Donald Trump doesn't care about this country. He doesn't care about anyone or anything other than himself.”

Original story here from RAWSTORY.

My 2 Cents: I like Michael Cohen for his open and honest candor about Trump – remember was the closest to Trump for a dozen years.

He did a lot of Trump’s dirty work like paying off women he had affairs with to hide them. 

Cohen was charged with 5 counts of tax evasion; making false statements, and such. He got 3 years in prison; that was reduced to home confinement and a fine for the final duration.  

He knows Trump better than anyone – he should be listened to.

Finally this interesting poll: Polls are only a snapshot of course of a slice of public opinion, but they do tell a certain side of the public’s pulse on major issues.

This poll shows how worrisome they can be, depending on the topic and at times like the recent FBI raid of his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida:

Q: Hypothetically, would your opinion of former President Trump improve or worsen if he were to share U.S. classified documents with any foreign powers such as China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia as noted in the Michael Cohen interview noted above?

§  Worsen: 73%

§  Stay the same: 20%

§  Improve: 5%

§  Other, or No opinion: 2%

Thanks for stopping by.

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