Friday, October 7, 2022

Trump Court Appointees: More & More Providing Cover for His Many Alleged Crimes


Judge Cannon: Thanks for your legal cover 
(MAGA and I applaud you)

Another of the many newspapers and legal experts (now the The St. Louis-Post Dispatch) continue to blast U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon as being loyal to Trump and not to the law. Their headline reads:

“Missouri newspaper blasts federal judge for favoring loyalty to Trump over the law”

Cannon has received a great deal of criticism for the decisions she has made in response to the federal investigation of the government documents that Trump was storing at Mar-a-Lago including classified documents that FBI agents confiscated when they executed a search warrant there on August 8. Some of that criticism of Cannon now has come from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s editorial board.

In a scathing editorial published on October 2, the board argues that Cannon, a Trump appointee, has made one bad decision after another where the former president is concerned writing:

First, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Donald Trump appointee, granted the former president’s request for a ‘special master’ to review documents he took from the White House, a baffling decision derided by legal experts across the political spectrum. Worse, Cannon ruled that the FBI couldn’t have access to classified documents, thwarting a probe with national-security implications — another head-scratching stance that an appeals court later overturned in blistering language. Then, last week, Cannon overruled the special master that she herself appointed, saying Trump’s lawyers don’t have to provide evidence of his baseless claim that the FBI ‘planted’ documents in his home.”

My 2 Cents: I would take that story headline one step further and say that Judge Cannon not only “...favors loyalty to Trump over the law” but that she favors his actions over national security. 

I honestly believe that she must resign or that  congress should take steps to impeach and remove her from the bench. 

This is just my opinion that it ought to happen. 

FYI: Related articles to this same sad saga are here, here, here, and here

Thanks for stopping by.

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