Monday, May 26, 2014

GOP is Anti-Public: Schools, Teachers, Unions, Employees

GOP Voucher-Privatized School Lunch Program

Pretty good rundown from here ... in part with four good examples:

1.  Just before the President’s SOU address, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) introduced a new bill that authorizes “about $24 billion, or 41% of current federal spending on elementary and secondary public schools that would allow states to decide to give families the money as individual scholarships to pay for private school tuition, or to attend a charter school.”

2.  Then Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) also introduced bill to “provide federally funded vouchers to children with disabilities, children living on military bases, and children living in impoverished areas and to allow it to be spent where parents pleased including for private religious instruction.” 

3.  Following the SOU in the GOP’s response, Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers (R-WA) assured 
viewers that “We Republicans have plans (i.e., privatization) to improve our education and training systems so you have the choice to determine where your kids go to school.” 

4.  Following up on those GOP privatization narratives, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) called for solutions from “the marketplace” (i.e., more privatization) promoting “economic freedom zones” that allow for “school choice” and give parents an “educational tax credit.” Or as he claims, "parents know what’s best for their kids’ education.”

Wow – that's a lot of GOP Mumbo Jumbo.  Keep in mind that those proposals and lines and so-called “rationale for education reform” are GOP favorites. They continue to try every ploy in the book to sell privatization to the public in order to “rescue students from public schools” and even allow them to attend privately run religious schools, and all at taxpayers’ expense.

The issue of school vouchers is not new. Most of the schemes have been dreamed up by extremists (in mostly GOP-run states like with governors Scott Walker, Rick Scott, Bobby Jindal, John Kasich, et al and supported by the GOP rightwing and promoted mostly on Talk Radio and FOX).

Let’s fact it, the right quite frankly hates public education, public teachers, and naturally their Unions. Theirs is a long road on their crusade to get rid of public schools in America once and for all, no matter the cost; believe me, it  would cost plenty (the link is about Ann Romney's comments).  

Thanks for stopping by - do the research and help protect our public schools and all they stand for.

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