Saturday, March 30, 2019

Trump Driver in ICE Custody: Lied to Enter U.S. Gets Green Card & Carries Gun in FL

Cadillac Escalade Sits Empty: Trump Driver in ICE custody
(Lied to Enter Country for Past Crime)

A sad but timely story from the NY Times (via MSN) and also coverage from here (Daily Mail/UK):

Introduction – my input: Flip a Coin, Mr. Trump. Do you want and need immigration policy: (1) that is lawful, treats everyone the same way by allowing some to enter illegally but who should get due process, or (2) those who hide and lie about their criminal pasts to enter, get a Green Card, possibly even citizenship, and work for you?

Easy-peasy, Mr. President, easy-peasy – heads or tails?

This story is about man who lied to get a Green Card and later applied for citizenship, too? A very sad story, but he has to go.Why do I say that? The current law that Trump wants to change as not working – appears to be working just fine – so, oops, Mr. Trump.

My B/L: We have enough criminals without others coming from other countries who lie to get here while hiding their criminal pasts and work for you.

This story:

Zoltan Tamas is a senior security guard at Trump National Golf Club in the town of Jupiter and Trump’s driver in Mar-a-Logo. Tamas as such is licensed to carry a gun. He bought a home, paid taxes, has a wife and two children, and never ran afoul of the law since immigrating legally to the United States from Romania in 2011.

Now, for eight months, Tamas, age 38, has been locked in an ICE correctional facility a six-hour drive from his family as he fights a protracted legal battle to remain in the United States. During that time, he has not once seen his wife, 11-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter (who suffers from congenital heart disease).  

(I note: That seems to be a pre-existing condition by definition).

Tamas is a green-card holder who was arrested by ICE authorities after he applied for United States citizenship in 2016 and a background check revealed that he had been convicted in absentia of committing insurance fraud in Romania.

In 2016, as legal residents of the United States for nearly five years, Tamas and his family were eligible to become naturalized Americans. 

They filled out the forms, got fingerprinted and completed biometric exams. His wife Alina Rogozan was notified within a few months that she had been scheduled for an interview with an immigration officer.

But Tamas was not. He called and sent emails, only to hear that his background check had not been completed. “He was very confused, asking, ‘Why is this happening?’” recalled his wife who with her two children became citizens in April 2017.

Then in June of last year, Tamas received a letter from ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) requesting that he report to the agency office to discuss his “inadmissibility to the United States at the time that his family had traveled to Romania on vacation and returned in 2013.”

When Tamas and his wife arrived at the office, he was told that he would be detained, without further explanation. An officer ordered Tamas to hand his wife his wedding band, belt, and phone — and escorted him away. His family has not seen him since.

My 2 cents: Heluva good immigration policy which right now enforces current law and forbids lying to gain access and a Green Card and thus leads to citizenship, or do we wait for yours which is just as harsh or worse in some cases? 

After all, the man is a criminal and hid that fact.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Trump-Conway vs Conway: White House "Family Feud" Not the Popular TV Show

100 people asked to label these three people
(L-R Top Answers: Bad, Worst Ever, So-So)

They are literally — the media and the Democrats — have called the president an agent of a foreign government. That is an accusation equal to treason, which is punishable by death in this country.” 

— Sarah Sanders (W/H Press Secretary 3/25/2019 on NBC News TV)

Yes, true Sanders is entitled to her opinion as we all are, but to accuse with a sweeping wide brush that the media (I presume she does NOT include “holier-than-thou Fox, right?), and Democrats of treason and thus executed is the lowest of the low. 

She should resign out of disgrace. For anyone in such a high position in government and especially the White House and thus by extension the President is horrible and inexcusable by any standard.

Then this earlier from the TINC (Tweeter-in-Chief):

Conway, often referred to as Mr. Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of his wife’s success & angry that I, with her help, didn’t give him the job he so desperately wanted. I barely know him but just take a look, a stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!

NY attorney and vocal Trump critic, George Conway, has again taken aim at the president in a scathing Washington Post op-ed analyzing the outcome of the special counsel investigation. Calling Trump “unfit for office … beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Conway highlighted AG Barr’s assertion that Mueller’s report “does not exonerate” the president on the question of whether he obstructed justice, contrary to what Trump declared as “total exoneration.”

Conway wrote: “If Mueller’s report doesn’t exonerate the president, there must be something pretty damning in it about him, even if it might not suffice to prove a crime beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Conway wrote: “Barr said in his summary to Congress that Mueller’s report cataloged the president’s actions, many of which took place in public view. In saying this, Barr makes clear that the report also catalogs actions taken privately that shed light on possible obstruction, actions that the American people and Congress yet know nothing about.”

Conway then concluded by adding: “Mueller, who did not make a finding on whether Trump obstructed justice, according to Barr’s summary, wrote his report to allow the American people and Congress to decide what to make of the facts.” That Conway added: “That is what should — must — happen now.”

My 2 cents: Not much to add except that George Conway is spot on and speaks for millions,  and I surmise that maybe Trump’s next move will be to order Kellyanne Conway to dump hubby George or get out of the W/H – that would not surprise me one bit.

Trump continues to show the world (minus his 30% base) just what a horrible man he is and hands down the worst president in American history …. That is one descriptive label that Trump is not likely to grasp and boast about, right?

Finally, the viral ugliness and raw hatred in our country is now reached the maximum boiling point ever. Yes, it is from all sides, but boy oh boy has the GOP mastered that talent and skill. Congrats.

Thanks for stopping by.
New York attorney and vocal Donald Trump critic George Conway has taken aim at the president once again in a scathing Washington Post op-ed analyzing the outcome of the special counsel investigation.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

"Lock Her Up" Vis-à-Vis Hillary Clinton: What About These Two Arrogant W/H Advisors

Federal Law Breakers: Mr. and Mrs. Arrogant Snoots

Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump-Kushner and hubby, son-in-law Jared Kushner, have been using private email accounts and the messaging service “WhatsApp” to conduct official government business. 

That private email and app use by two presidential top advisers could violate the Presidential Records Act of 1978, cite: 44 U.S.C. §§ 2201–2207.

This is #11 of the 12 provisions listed in that law: “Establishes preservation requirements for official business conducted using non-official electronic messaging accounts:  any individual creating Presidential records must not use non-official electronic messaging accounts unless that individual copies an official account as the message is created or forwards a complete copy of the record to an official messaging account. (A similar provision in the Federal Records Act applies to federal agencies).”

Their actions amount to the same activity that Republicans led by Trump campaigned on in his race against Hillary Clinton in 2016 in what they still call “her criminality.”
(WORTH NOTING: Clinton used a secure private email server at her home but she still used an official Government account ... a huge diff than WhatsApp weakness).
In his letter to the White House, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, requested documents and information relating to the Trump White House’s use of nongovernmental channels.
Ivanka Trump, Cummings wrote:Continues to receive emails relating to official business on her personal email account and she does not forward emails received through her personal account unless she responds to the email, even if the subject matter of the email relates to her official duties.”
That, Cummings said, violates the Presidential Records Act. He also noted that the revelations come to light in 2017, but that “new information that raises additional security and federal records concerns” has since been obtained regarding those people.
My 2 cents: So, Mr. President shall we “lock up” these two senior advisors? Or will you grant then continued access to White House classified of sensitive information?
Tic toc, Mr. President, tic toc.
Stay tuned – we shall see.
Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Kellyanne Conway Trump Lackey: Hubby George's Trump Mental Assessment Spot On

George Conway's Source Document

Trump's 5 Key Areas from My Perspective

George Conway has used his Twitter feed and occasional op-ed essays to defend against Trump’s attacks on the rule of law — and lately to point out what he sees as the president’s instability.

Asked on “Skullduggery” if he thinks the president is fully stable, Conway responded:No comment.” 

Earlier this month, Conway called for a “serious inquiry into Trump’s state of mind.”

Conway also tweeted:Have we ever seen this degree of brazen, pathological mendacity in American public life? At any level of government in this country, in any party, have we ever seen anything like this? It’s beyond politics. It’s nuts. It’s a disorder.”

Conway shared with Trump a link to a Rolling Stone article entitled: “Trump’s Mental Health: Is Pathological Narcissism the Key to Trump’s Behavior?”

Conway then wrote:Once someone understands narcissistic personality disorder, they understand you. And why you’re unfit and incompetent for the esteemed office you temporarily hold.”

My 2 cents: This article speaks for itself … I have nothing to add except one word: Accurate.

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Trump Again Threatens SNL and Other Late Nights Shows: For Poking Fun of Him

Trump Again Wages War on SNL and Other Shows

Trump threatened “Saturday Night Live” and other late-night shows with a federal investigation for poking fun of him, calling it in a recent tweet: “One sided [sic] media coverage.”

He continued:It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side.’ Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows

A bit of legal history:

It's unlikely much will come of Trump's musings. The president often threatens to sue his critics, and just as often nothing comes of it.

More importantly, the United States Constitution has a First Amendment that guarantees freedom of expression — and which pretty much was created for the purpose of letting Americans criticize their leaders.

Ref: The USSC wouldn't let Falwell sue Hustler magazine for 
portraying  him as an incestuous drunk in a parody.  

Today's court may be more conservative, but it's not likely it will let a legal challenge to a satirical show like SNL get very far, either.

My 2 cents: Clearly this man is a threat to our democratic principles and very foundation and he proves it practically daily – this is his latest example of “Abuse of Power” if he insists that DOJ follow up.

Stay tuned – updates expected. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Stephen Miller Trump's Go-To W/H Senior Advisor: Avowed Racist Record for Years

Miller's hand signal done by accident or by clever design
(With him it's always on purpose)

Original story of that photo of Stephen Miller, Trump key W/H Advisor here first from Daily Kos (February 21, 2017) sets the stage for this discussion.

Next Snopes (February 22, 2017) raises questions about the Daily Kos article and their assumptions.

Then, the Southern Poverty Law Center offers more insight to what that hand symbol means or does not mean in clear terms.

The bottom line: Decision about the sign or signal and meaning is up to the readers – I offer key parts that I believe are important to anyone reaching any decision about the “hand sign” which follows”

Daily Kos Highlights: Take a look at the guy in the picture above: That’s Stephen Miller, senior advisor to Donald Trump.  He’s also an avowed racist; that’s what his friends and family say. He has openly disparaged blacks, Latinos, and Asians throughout his school career, from high school to Duke University, where he palled around with white supremacist leader Richard Spencer

He continued his racist streak when he interned with Jeff Sessions and now spends his days trying to out-bigot the other white supremacist named Steve in Trump’s White House.  No wonder David Duke adores him.  

Now look at the picture – a screen shot of Miller that was used in the headlines for The GuardianNew York Dailyand Washington Post (the president will not be questioned). 

He made headlines that day for defending the Muslim ban by saying Trump's actions “will not be questioned!” You might think that’s an odd natural gesture to make. And it is.  

What Miller is doing is completely intentional: His right hand, three fingers. Three fingers form “W” and his left hand curls to make the “P” formation.  

Together: WP = White Power. The ADL says this is a common white supremacist hand sign.

Snopes Highlights: On February 21, 2017, web site Daily Kos shared a photograph of White House advisor Stephen Miller, along with a claim that the image clearly shows him using a hand gesture that signifies white nationalism.

The photograph was taken February 12, 2017 by Reuters photographer Joshua Roberts shortly before Miller appeared on Face the Nation with this caption: “Senior White House Advisor Stephen Miller waits to go on the air in the White House Briefing Room in Washington, U.S., February 12, 2017.”

It is impossible to tell, in the absence of additional images or video to use for comparison purposes whether Miller was deliberately using a hand gesture of any sort or whether this picture simply captured him during a fleeting moment while he was adjusting his tie and jacket. We have reached out to Roberts to see if any such footage is available.

However, the position of Miller’s hands do not match the white power hand symbol image provided by the ADL. Evidence that Miller was actually using a controversial gesture is slight at best, and most likely the image simply captured him in the act of adjusting his outfit just before appearing on camera.

SPLC Analysis: Dismissing the spread of the hand signal as a hoax overlooks two hard realities:

First, that its increasing use gives open license to actual racist ideologues to operate and recruit under the cover of the “plausible deniability” established by less ideological young trolls;

Second, any kind of wink-and-nudge interaction with the racist right is a direct route to its normalization.

While the people who flash the sign can always readily claim innocence of any racist intent by attesting that they “only meant it ironically” and that their real purpose was to anger liberals, minorities, and “social justice warriors (SJWs), they can’t so readily escape ethical culpability for their role in the spread of hateful ideologies and their effects, including a global spike in hate crimes.

Nor can they blame members of the minority groups who reasonably find such hand signals potentially threatening for being upset.

Radical fascists have, after all, historically taken advantage of the “marketplace of ideas” as a useful platform for spreading their toxic ideology — the outcome of which always entails the utter destruction of that marketplace and its replacement with authoritarian propaganda. 

When far-right ideologues retreat to a “free speech” defense amid claims of left-wing persecution — which is what memes like the “OK sign” are designed to do — this is always their long-term goal.

So what does it mean when someone flashes the OK sign? In the end, it can mean almost anything, but primarily it’s one of three things:

1.    It can be a harmless use of its traditional meaning that all’s well.
2.    It can be an ironic attempt to troll liberals with a symbol chosen to “trigger” their inner “SJWs.”
3.    It can be a surreptitious way of signaling your presence to other white supremacists.

The first of these (and its most common, but also most declining, use) is harmless. But it can’t credibly be claimed by anyone who has a record of involvement with the many far-right elements that swirl both around the Trump White House and outside it as well. Nor can it be claimed by street-protesting “Proud Boys” chanting far-right slogans.

The second is less directly harmful, but hardly innocent of wreaking havoc. The normalization of the radical right under the rhetorical protection of self-proclaimed “centrists” and “libertarians,” particularly those who spread conspiracy theories and are often labeled the “alt-lite,” is a legacy that could last a generation or longer.

The third is, of course, reflective of a toxic worldview and authoritarian politics, bent primarily on the destruction of liberal democracy. At the moment, it remains the smallest bloc of the three.

My 2 cents: As I said read the three sources and draw your own conclusion. This is great strategy on the part of the Alt-Right and all others connected to that side’s view.

Related from Trump (see next blog post below) more or less advocating violent acts towards those who stand up to him or question him. This is very troubling.  

Clever and seems to be working as they have planned.

Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Trump and the GOP: "Make America Great Again" World-Wide #1 and Entirely White

Proposed RNC Logo for 2020
(Marching to Victory)

Rally with Bikers at Trump National Golf Club
(August 11 in Bedminster, NJ)

Who cannot be totally disgusted at this sickening story about Trump or for that matter about any president — more or less who is inciting turmoil, violence, riot, and direct attack on American citizens who disagree with him.

Federal law cite from Cornell Law: 18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions.

Law Extract: “Threat of harm generally involves a perception of injury, physical or mental damage, an act or instance of injury, or a material and detriment or loss to a person. A terrorist threat is a crime generally involving a threat  to commit violence 
communicated with the intent to terrorize other.”

Related: Breitbart published an interview with Trump in which he suggested that his supporters in the military and police would rally to his side in a way that would be very bad, very bad if things get to a certain point.” Here’s the full Trump quote in context, with the relevant portion highlighted in red:

“So here’s the thing — it’s so terrible what’s happening,” Trump said when asked by Breitbart News Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle about how the left is fighting hard:You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad. But the left plays it cuter and tougher. Like with all the nonsense that they do in Congress … with all this investigations — that’s all they want to do is – you know, they do things that are nasty. Republicans never played this.”

My 2 cents and once again I ask: “Who is not disgusted at this sickening story and words from Trump?”

This is an illegal and unlawful statement from Trump – God only knows what he has told those “bad-ass supporters” while in private sessions. 

That alone scary. Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Trump's Newest Budget Proposal: The Con Still in Play Like His Trail of Failures

Documented Failures 

Major Con and Major Penalty
(Still Working It)

Walling off America from the Rest of the World
(Or so it seems)

According to a summary reviewed by The Washington Post of Trump’s forthcoming budget severe and harsh cuts stand out.

Introduction: Trump will request at least another $8.6 billion in funding to build more sections of his wall along the Mexico border. That sets up a fresh battle with Congress less than one month after Trump declared a national emergency.

Highlights: Trump will request $5 billion in funding for DHS to continue building sections of a wall along the Mexico border. Trump will request another $3.6 billion for DOD’s military construction budget to erect more sections of a wall.

People describing the request spoke on the condition of anonymity because the budget is not public yet, but a top White House official acknowledged the request in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” 

Reuters first reported the $8.6 billion figure. Again we see Fox news running the nation’s and Trump’s PR campaign.

Is this a new budget fight is coming? 

Well, Larry Kudlow, the White House’s top economic adviser (and former Fox commentator) said:I suppose there will be. I would just say that the whole issue of the wall, of border security, is of paramount importance. We have a crisis down there. I think the president has made that case very effectively.”

Top Democrats reacted swiftly to reports that Trump was seeking more money for the wall, reflecting how they are girding for the fight and believe that public sentiment is on their side. Rep. Nita M. Lowey (D-NY), who chairs the House Appropriations Committee, said the request was “not even worth the paper it’s written on.” 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) added that Trump caused the shutdown in December because he defied Congress. They said they will block his demands again as well.

Specific cuts Trump wants:

* Cutting $1.1 trillion from Medicaid and other health-care programs over the next decade by turning over more control to states

NOTE: Medicaid is health-care for low-income and disabled Americans. It is run jointly by states and the federal government. Most Republicans and the White House have repeatedly proposed slashing it alleging it is wasteful.

Nearly all Democrats and a number of Republicans have fought back and sought to expand the program as a way to provide more benefits for the poor.

* Cutting another $327 billion from a range of other welfare programs:  food and housing assistance (by imposing mandatory work requirements for certain recipients).
* Cutting another $207 billion by making changes to student loan programs over 10 year.
* Cutting additional $200 billion by changing federal retirement programs and making major changes to the U.S. Postal Service.
Severe cuts and reductions at a number of federal agencies:
* 12% from the Education Department
* 12% from the HHS
* 11% from Interior Department
* 23% from the State Department
* 32% from the EPA
* 22% from Transportation Department
Almost all of the proposals require congressional approval and they dismissed cuts of similar size in Trump’s past budgets. Democratic leaders have said they will oppose the proposed budget cuts. Trump officials signal they plan to fight over the budget much harder this year.
Republicans believe the new Trump budget proposal provides a sharp contrast between Democrats and Republicans heading into the final year of Trump’s first term.

Even with the proposed cuts, the White House proposal would not eliminate the budget deficit until the mid-2030s. That is in part because Trump has instructed aides not to pursue any structural changes to Medicare, the health-care program for millions of older Americans.

My 2 cents: I am convinced that Trump is a bigot when it comes to poor Americans and once again he shows that bias clearly by cutting programs that help the poor and needy. He is in a word a despicable human being.

But he never neglects the top crust – that is the life style he and his family have ever known. They are horrible people, totally.

Another shutdown looms if he does not get his way – spoiled brat he is … bet on it, so hang on tight.

Thanks for Stopping by.