Sunday, May 19, 2024

Project 2025:: Trump the National Executioner for Criminals "Off with their Heads"

Trump's Steps to Implement “Project 2025
(Dictator for One Day: Sign Documents, Then Act)

Trump's Personal Addition to Project 2025

Very disturbing story from NEWSWEEK regarding Trump saying he has plans to execute drug dealers, and human traffickers, and even certain government employees with this article headline:

“Outrage at GOP Plan for Execution Spree if Trump Wins” 

Trump also has suggested that government officials who leak information to the press should be executed as well. 

Behind the scenes, there’s a team of pro-Trump conservatives (organized and run by the The Heritage Foundationwho are pushing for a second Trump term that involves even more state-sponsored killing than the first. 

That coalition effort is known as “Project 2025” and it has released an 887-page document that lays out policy goals and recommendations for each part of the federal government if Trump wins. 

On page 554 is a directive to execute every remaining federal death row prisoner (currently there are 44 on death row) — and then to persuade the Supreme Court to expand the types of crimes that can be punished with death sentences based on Trump's guidelines - his dictatorship rules..

More precise examples on this point:

1. Trump advocates immediate death for the 44 persons currently on death row.

2. Trump also advocated that Gen. Mark Milley the former JCS chairman be executed for discussing things with China without getting permission from Trump first.

3. Trump said in the case of the “Central Park 5” (five black teenagers at the time) who were convicted and sentenced for attacking and savagely beating, and raping a woman jogger in Central Park in NYC in 1989 should also be executed.

All five confessed to the crime after long interrogations, but each of them later recanted their statements, saying they had been coerced by police officers. After serving between 5 to 13 years in prison, the 5 were exonerated when the real attacker confessed and was linked to the crime by his DNA.

Even years before becoming president, Trump took a personal interest in implicating the Central Park Five. Days after the attack on the jogger, Trump paid for full-page Ads in four major newspapers advocating for the reinstatement of the death penalty. The Ads did not specifically mention the “Central Park Five” by name, but they called for a beefed-up police force and stiffer penalties for the offenders.

Then during his 2016 presidential run, Trump reinforced his earlier position of the Central Park Five telling CNN in October 2016:They admitted they were guilty. The police doing the original investigation say they were guilty.”

Even while president, Trump still wouldn’t apologize for the 1989 Ads. In June 2019 for example, White House correspondent April Ryan asked Trump via Twitter and in person about the exonerated five men and he repeated his stance:They admitted their guilt.”

Imagine if Trump had been in office and ordered their execution. We would have seen five innocent young men’s lives taken based on his tyrannical rule on the death penalty without one ounce of justice.

My 2 Cents: Folks we may not like Trump, or ever want to see him back in the White House, and we may or may not dismiss his on-going legal woes, gross lies and such, but I believe him when he says he will change the face of our democracy. 

If Trump has a chance to implement Project 2025 as outlined above, then we get what? 

Looks like we will get: A weak national government; diminished public service at all levels; and the dismantling of limits on presidential power giving Trump a strong one-man iron fist rule over the entire nation. 

I don’t trust Trump not one bit. Now with Project 2025 in place and approved by Trump, he is ready to rule with an iron fist with nothing or anyone in place to stop him and his dictator aim (click here to see and hear short video clip of him saying that). Just for one day we suppose until he signs and approves “Project 2025.

Who in their right mind would advocate that from any president? Yes, who? Well I guess only the MAGA Trump cultists that’s who with their blind loyalty to Trump who now owns, operates, and controls the GOP.

Their Trump MAGA Kool-Aid attitude may not be laced with the cyanide and tranquillizer drugs like that which Jim Jones told his followers to drink and follow him to heaven in the 1978 Jonestown massacre in Guyana that killed 918 followers, but it’s a good analogy nevertheless. 

So, how do we stop this brand new GOP insanity? 

Simple: We vote with the power of our voices that give the Democrats a majority in the House and Senate and keeps President Joe Biden in the White House, even as pressures mounts otherwise as we approach Election Day 2024 (November 5). 

That is the only solution – please help get out the vote to head off and stop the MAGA-Trump madness.

Thanks for stopping by. 

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