Thursday, April 2, 2020

Lunatics Run Amok: Blame COVID-19 Infects the Brain & Erases Rational Thinking

Eduardo Moreno Top of the Lunatic List

Hospital Ship: USNS Mercy in Port of Los Angeles
(Ship Was Moreno's Target)

From CBS News (Port of Los Angeles): Train engineer, Eduardo Moreno (44), of San Pedro, was charged in a one Federal criminal count of train wrecking – it carries a sentence of up to 20 years. 

Moreno admitted to authorities in two separate interviews that he intentionally derailed and crashed the PHL train near the Hospital Ship, the USNS Mercy (T-AH-19) which was docked in the port. Moreno ran the train off the tracks before crashing through a series of barriers, ultimately coming to rest some 250 yards from the Mercy.

In his own words, Moreno told the CHP officer: You only get this chance once. The whole world is watching. I had to. People don’t know what’s going on here. Now they will.”

Then during an initial interview with port police, Moreno admitted crashing the train, saying hewas suspicious of the Mercy and believed it had an alternate purpose related to COVID-19, such as a government takeover.”

Later he told FBI agents that:He did it out of the desire to wake people up,” and adding: “he was suspicious of the ship and did not believe it was what they say it’s for.”

More from my research posted here, here, and here.

My 2 cents: The utter madness of more and more people today like this lunatic, Moreno, is worrisome and must be stopped.

All it takes is one or two or three gun nuts or lunatics like this guy to cause wide spread chaos: The OK City Federal building bombing (2 men in 1995 168 killed); the mass shooting at VA Tech in 2007 (33 killed by one shooter); and 2017 in Las Vegas (one shooter, 58 dead, over 500 wounded), and other mass shootings and events like that.

Nowadays we see more and more Skin-heads, KKK-leaning, Alt-right, and White Supremacist groups all across America – that is a major issue these days and must not to be taken lightly for political gain or hype.

Gun rights are important I agree, but common sense and rational policy ensures that proper and legal guns, legal bonafide owners, and at times strict controls (e.g., open carry is insane public policy) – most honest gun owners agree with that, too.

Thanks for stopping by.

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